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Dad & Dungeons & Dragons [Admiral Wonderboat]
  • Adapt and come up with stuff on the fly? If by that you mean TPK when so much as a single dice roll diverges from my meticulously crafted grand plan, then I may just be the single greatest DM of all time.

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  • I feel like you're forgetting the market segment of high-end wired headphones. Your point about wireless headphones sounding better confused me because of this.

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  • I also feel this post doesn't fit this community. Confusion and disagreement about what fits is unfortunate but very natural because it's hard to define exactly what posts on this sub should be.

    The owner once described this community as c/hmmm with text, and even though that should exclude this particular post, it still doesn't really seem to fully encapsulate the feeling evoked by the majority of posts here. IMO, ideal posts to this community also invoke nostalgia and utilize surrealism.

    My best guess is that this post accrued a substantial number of upvotes before being noticed by the community moderators. Then, because the community responded so well to the post, it was left up despite breaking the normal guidelines.

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    3.99 a pound.
  • That's valid. Just because I can't relate to that desire doesn't make it wrong. That's why I mentioned it was just my opinion and specifically why I'm not a fan.

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  • Rabbits breed like crazy and multiply fast. Rabbits have been associated with fertility for centuries in pagan traditions. The rabbit is the symbol of the germanic pagan goddess of Spring and fertility, Eostre. I suspect there is a connection here.

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    Pink Lemonade Raspberries
  • Anecdotally, we've had some pretty solid results reducing losses to birds by placing reflective pinwheels around the garden. Like these:

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  • A little bit. Different groups might engage more with different aspects of my personality, so I find myself naturally emphasizing different parts of myself accordingly. Code switching isn't that unusual, I don't think.

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    Rulethlic Converts
  • But your example is also anecdotal? Catholics aren't more like your friend or more like his. They're both Catholic. It's a diverse group. Sweeping generalizations don't help anyone.
