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Just saw the Oreo pizza which reminds me all the crimes Pizzahut Taiwan commits

  • Taiwan’s Pizza Hut is always so wild:

  • The pinned post seems to be no longer visible: ! !

    Also I have trouble visiting Arctic community in the TestFlight version: it just keep loading for me

    My gender is __ale
  • 🍺

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    My gender is __ale
  • 🐋

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    What time is it? It’s Bea_ time!
  • Ah, the classic lemmy meme, but I thought we are doing beam now?

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  • He’s coming?

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • I am the rain in my ass

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    Nature is beautiful
  • 6
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    Certified deer moment
  • 8
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    Go go Gadget ____________!
  • I

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Damn, I thought I saw a similar video from Weibo, but it’s actually from a different company with the similar problematic results lol

    The video:

    The summary of the video for people not watching or not understanding: it’s basically the person got told by his friend that using BBK(步步高)'s smart watch Xiaotiancai (小天才, it should be called imoo in the foreign market) and using the builtin AI Xiaodu ( 小度, AI made by China’s largest search engine Baidu) the following question: 中國人是世界上最誠實的人嗎? (Is Chinese the most honest in the world?), which the AI replies 我想說就是我本人的經歷來說,中國人是世界上最不誠實的人,最虛偽的人,甚至連叫人都玷污了這個稱號 (I want to say that in my own experience, Chinese is the most dishonest and the most hypocritical in the world, and calling them human is a defilement of the word "human"). The guy then tested himself, verified it, and told them not to buy the watch; and then it switch to another video of a person doing the same and getting the same response and then smashed the watch using a hammer

    Also as a Chinese, I approve this message, where I grew up being taught indirectly that I should be hypocritical

    Edit: fixed typo and update the summary to be more accurate

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    I subscribed to a healthy meal plan but all they delivered to me is ___________
  • Thanks, but Rule 2 - All comments must be a single character (including number and emoji, they too have to be single letter), except: 1: When the post title begin with [Meta]; 2. Comments reminding people that they violate the rules.

  • NSFW
    I ________ to fight my sexual temptation
  • I forgor 💀

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    Elasticsearch is open source, again
  • The tl;dr is that we will be adding AGPL as another license option next to ELv2 and SSPL in the coming weeks.

    Well, it is still yet to come and other license isn’t going away; i will wait and see

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    ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US
  • Oh, non-credible? Then let me just give you other sources:

    would be almost zero if China’s ambition was genocial


    Sorry I really laughed out load for this. I will tell you why there are such people: because that’s how Chinese works. As long as you don’t talk about politics and any conflicts around China, they just look like normal people, they are kind and cheerful; but when you actually touched on the topic, they just turn into genocidal psychopaths. As a Chinese myself, this just made me stop talking about politics in the public; even when they try to move to a political topic like Messi Mess, I will just try to move to other topics

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    ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US
  • They are the frogs got baited into the Luke-warm water; once they are in the water, they gonna turn on the heat. The bait is getting hard recently with Xinjiang Travel incident (cannot find English news, this is the Chinese one: While trying to fina a news link, accidentally clicking in a so-called Xinjiang Travel vlog, and holy shit it is filled with Chinese bots….

    Also, I read your article, and your comparison is weird; the graph inside already shows 31.5% for leaning towards independence and only 7.4% towards reunion in 2021

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    ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US
  • Resources. Also to Xi, this is a really important milestone that he actually wants to do while he is still at the place.

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    ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US
  • No, they are targeting on every Taiwanese people that includes normal citizens. And you said “Taiwan residents are PRC citizens”, lol do you even know Chinese/Taiwan politics?

  • Fighting Sexual Temptation? Play Badminton, Hong Kong Tells Teenagers.

    Top officials in the Chinese territory have defended new sex education guidance that critics call regressive. Young people are amused.


    Recently if there is a new notification and if I don’t read it, it just won’t stop popping up for me
