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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 mo. ago

Did you get the California Relief Bundle?

I just bought this bundle because of Tunic (it's an amazing game, all the praises are so deserved) Do you have other games to recommend? I loved Hidden Folks and Minit that I found in older bundles, truly two gems in my opinion.

Magic: The Gathering

My budgie is learning to play Brawl

Second day of my budgie #Ocarina feeling confident enough to get out of his cage in the new house. Now his favourite place is on top of my bf head while he plays Arena. #birb #MTG #MagicTheGathering

  • Good job OP, I hope the parents will understand something and consciously or unconsciously will change their way of thinking about masculinity (and educating their sons). Even if only one or two families become more aware, you'll change the world for better.

  • Fanfiction of Our Own - A World Within and Beyond Fandoms

    F/F fandoms I should explore

    I'm an avid reader of Supercorp and Swanqueen even if I've never seen a single episode of the series. Their original characters are so good together (coparenting after being sworn enemies or being two orphans from families that should hate each others, I mean, immediate fanfic material).

    So, suggest me some nice pair from a media I don't even need to know in order to appreciate them. Make me believe that there is something better out there that didn't appear in my tag searching until now.

    Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️

    Materiale ciclistico (telai, ruote, selle, manubri, freni, leve, ecc) a Turate (CO)

    Vendo vario materiale ciclistico in zona Turate (vicino a Saronno, 20 minuti a Nord di Milano) Tendenzialmente vorrei vendere il lotto intero, ma nel caso ci si può accordare per singoli pezzi. Anche bici da corsa complete. A richiesta, ho anche un sacco di altre foto 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 EDIT: venduto