John Lundvik satsade på vinst men kom på en sjätte plats i Mello. Nu är artisten kritisk mot hur tävlingen har förändrats. – Jag har inget i en sådan här tävli

I'm all for better climate policy, but "because peaceful protest doesn't work" is a pretty bad justification. My peaceful protest to mandate wearing a colander in public won't work, but that doesn't mean that violent protest is justified.
Equating the climate crisis to forcing people to wear a colander is beyond braindead.
John Lundviks utspel i media efter att siktat på toppen utan att komma nära
John Lundvik satsade på vinst men kom på en sjätte plats i Mello. Nu är artisten kritisk mot hur tävlingen har förändrats. – Jag har inget i en sådan här tävli
– Vi har ju gått på saker som är väldigt Tiktok-vänliga, saker som är väldigt lätta för barn att sjunga med i, säger John Lundvik.
– I kväll fick vi ett superbevis på det. Och det är bara att ställa om, livet går vidare. Men det är en ny trend, både här och i Europa.
Det är ingen nyhet att en av dom största målgrupperna för Melodifestivalen är barn. Hela tävlingen går ut på att få flest röster, därför kan det vara smart att göra en låt som tilltalar en av tävlingens största tittardemografier. Om man inte lyckas i Melodifestivalen är det ens egna fel. Man skulle ha gjort en låt som folk ville rösta på. Det kan vara svårt men då får man ha respekt för dom som har lyckats istället för att lipa över det i media efteråt.
While the surface level story of severance is annoying since it doesn't like to give answers (so far), it also criticizes workplace culture and work in general which makes it satisfying to me.
Memory and storage aren't synonymous
If you want to consistently block ads, you can't use a chromium based browser since they don't support ublock origin
Sorry, but usa is indeed very much more evil than most other countries. E.g. overthrowing democratically elected leaders in other countries, committing war crimes, taking the side of other countries invading others, etc. All countries are not equally bad and usa is one of the worst, especially with Trump in power.
No. People should boycott all companies which operates in an evil country. There exist plenty of ethical companies that aren't from usa.
What browser and adblocker?
Punching people is illegal in general. If it was that easy, there wouldn't exist any class struggle.
You will plug in ze usb c and you will be happy
Calm your bloated tits! How about addressing the fascism in your own country first?
What time span are you referring to when you say "for a lot of years"?
Wasn't it something more similar to "saying that you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying that you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say"?
Of course you're Canadian. That doesn't make you the tiniest bit biased. You know there exists thriving Canadian communities where you can read news involving your country too? Lemmy and other English speaking communities are so heavily dominated by e.g. US and Canada that the news involving these countries naturally appear in normal "general" news communities. The entire point of communities such as these is to give attention to things that yankees and wannabe yankees wouldn't ever dream to give a single shit about.
Would you say Mexico and the US are practically the same?
Does Mexico e.g. share the largest undefended border in the world with US?
Canada is so tightly tied to US that it's practically the same to anyone who isn't from north America. I understand that it can be hard to accept for a yankee like you. People who want to follow world news that isn't focused on US internal news isn't going to care for NA internal news where the majority of the focus is put on US.
Didn't say it was against the rules. Did you read my post at all?
USA is also "part of the world". Despite this, US internal news are disallowed according to the rules of the subreddit. The rules of a community is not defined by its name, it's defined by the explicit rules.
While this isn't technically US internal news, it's North American news which goes against the spirit of this sub.
Welcome to the club
Bryr mig inte om "nerduttar". Om mitt inlägg bryter mot reglerna kan det tas bort.
feddit.nu är en instans jag blockerar för att den är skräp.
Världens första öppet homosexuella imam Muhsin Hendricks har skjutits till döds i staden Gqeberha i Sydafrika.