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China bans export of rare earths processing tech over national security
  • Top 5 Countries That Produce the Most Semiconductors: Taiwan South Korea Japan United States China

    China is listed as the largest and 5th largest in your source

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    China bans export of rare earths processing tech over national security
  • China has ranked first in the share of published papers since 2017, the top 10% most-cited papers since 2018 and the top 1% since 2019.

    Moving the goalposts as a coping mechanism

    fuck interlectual property in general, so even if China did steal IP from other countries (it didn't), I'd respect them even more

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    China has grown more new forest cover than any nation on Earth
  • I mean yeah one has a bourgeois state (US) and the other an proletarian one (PRC) so technically you're right in that it's not really comparable.

    Do you know what hegemony means? And do you think it's a coincidence that you hold the same belief as the US state department?

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    China dev fined 3 yrs’ salary for VPN use
  • Ugh, I need to figure out a way to unsubscribe from replies to a post.

    Stop posting shit takes, and if you did then at least engage in good faith

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    sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!!
  • Oh god. How thick can you be? You did not read correctly, indeed. The question was if the meme was political. And it clearly is, since it references political entities and distributes the ideology of whoever is OP of the meme to a bunch of unsuspecting lurkers that falsely assume it's non-political. Also the fact that you disagree about what is and what isn't political makes it political

  • I still enjoy this one so decided to repost
