I haven't seen qualifications this relevant and high-quality since "architects and engineers for 9/11 truth."
I read this twice as LLM interference engine and was hoping for something like SETI or Folding@Home except my computer could interfere with ChatGPT somehow.
Seeing that, I too immediately thought, in popehat voice, "It's not RICO."

Spotted in the wild

This is a real plate, not one of those fake vanity plates. The Sox may have the worst season in the history of baseball this year, but that's not necessarily related.
Not everyone wants ai for their search tools

inviasions. Sounds better in Makadonian.
I think that he might share a social media manager with Jordan "please stop me from posting" Peterson.

I think that people have a really hard time conceptualizing compound interest rates. $10,010 invested with bit connect at their claimed rates would be $3.1 million after 12 months. But you get your "capital back" after 4 months?
The interminable length has got to have started out as a gullibility filter before ending up as an unspoken imperative to be taken seriously in those circles
Only in these circles could an article that AI can read to you in an hour and forty-eight minutes be clickbait for the paywalled "companion piece."
I went to the study, and that's the global market size for all sex toys annually, and just eyeballing another chart, butt plugs might be 10% of that. So butt plugs are around $3 or $4 Billion. On the bright side, unlike AI safety, butt plugs actually serve a function.
One is by David Brooks, so it's guaranteed to be half baked?
I can't even
Tuesday June 25 - Mustafa Suleyman calls web content "freeware" in front of God and everybody at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
Thursday June 27 - Mother Jones sues Microsoft. I'm sure that their lawyers are thrilled.
Thank you —she and this video are new to me - very good!
I like the wet your finger and stick it up in the air forecasting model. OK - there’s 1.5 billion pocket-sized iPhones - so let’s say 2 billion person-sized robots, you know,
I’m wondering about the supply chain issues just making the extra half billion robots, might be kind of a big deal. Are there enough rare minerals in the whole world to do this? Lithium batteries? Computer chips?
Also, yeah, valuation based on revenue and not EBITA / profit margins, but whatever.
Not a cult.

from r/EnoughMuskSpam
Same here - I had a very small universe curated for myself. I didn't leave immediately, but when I did, there were a whole lot more weird ads and bots and stuff in my feed. I think that I only ever saw prøn once, and I was actually shocked that it even existed on Twitter.
Maybe AI could do Better than we've done... We'll make great pets

LW malware question
When I click a link to LessWrong from this board, I receive a malware alert from my home gateway (Netgear Armor). Apparently it's their AI text-to-speech bot.
Question - any concerns about this? Google isn't helping me much.
URL is https: // embed.type3.audio/
Searching their site tells me that this is literally a feature and not a bug.
TYPE III AUDIO is running an experiment with the LessWrong team to provide automatic AI narrations on all new posts. All new LessWrong posts will be available as AI narrations (for the next few weeks).
You might have noticed the same feature recently on the EA Forum, where it is now an ongoing feature. Users there have provided excellent feedback and suggestions so far, and your feedback on this pilot will allow further improvements.

My friend with amnesia remembers the Basilik
This totally true anecdote features a friend who "can't recall the names of his parents [but] remember[s] the one thing he'd be safer forgetting."