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Chorizo, manchego and onion quiche
  • It is a delicious soft sheep cheese. I've only ever had it on crackers with apples. I hadn't thought of including it in a quiche!

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    Those Power Rangers toys
  • Oh hell yeah, those are the ones where you squeeze in the belt buckle and it swaps their masked/unmasked heads, right?

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    Sleight of hand in combat
  • I was playing in a PF1e game where me and a friend got mind whammied and were told to disable/stop our allies in the best way we could. My character was a human Occultist that I had built to be great at Sleight of Hand, Steal maneuvers, and Disarm Maneuvers. So I snuck up on the party's full caster and stole his component pouch (forcing the player to go through his prepared list and find which spells he could even still cast), and disarmed the archer and chucked his bow up the side of a building (since he was a snake-man with a tail instead of legs, and climbing was pretty much out of the question)
