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Is gentoo a good choice?
  • I would agree with this. I used Gentoo for a while before moving to Ubuntu.

    Gentoo helps you learn and leads (forces) you down the path of getting under the hood to tweak your Linux experience.

    I wouldn't recommend it if you need to build systems quickly for production. I'm sure there are hacks to do it more quickly.

    I'm really glad I used it before Ubuntu. I feel like a have a much firmer grasp of the concepts of Linux because of my experience with it.

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    What are the best Video Game Soundtracks?
  • I totally agree. I actually played the game after hearing the soundtrack. I had to see what sort of game would have music this sick. Careful listening to it while driving though. You'll get busted for speeding.

  • What is the best treatment for chronic dog ear yeast infections?

    Our lab constantly has yeast infections that we have to constantly treat. I would like to know if anyone has advice on what medications seem to work the best for a chronic case of yeast ear infections.

    What is something really stupid you purchased that turned out far better than expected?
  • My wife was sweet about it but did a slight eye-roll when my Brother In-law got us an air fryer 3 years ago for Christmas. We've gotten rid of our toaster and use our oven less often.

    PS - Air fried leftovers are so freaking good.

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    what movie/show made you think "WTF did I just watch?"
  • I can't remember when, but I know I saw EXistenZ on HBO somewhere. I first saw it from the middle of the movie and thought "If I watch this from the beginning I might understand it." Turns out watching it again didn't help, but I watched it again anyway. It was sort of like a fascinating disaster.

    Kudos to the creators of that film. I don't think I could have come up with that primis.

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    Do you think if SSO was possible across Federated platforms that it would help drive adoption of decentralized platforms like Lemmy, Mastodon, Pixelfed, Kbin, and others?
  • Not really. The content of what is in the fediverse is still distributed and not owned or living in a single instance.

    It would add the ability to simply your username/instance/password administration.

    It would also allow an account to have an ability to create a community because if I find someone on Lemmy that has similar interests as I do it's likely I would enjoy their content on other platforms.

    Right now people have to post all of their social media in their profile and then I have to go log into those platforms and go find them to follow them.

    If I found someone that I want to connect with on multiple platforms it be would be great if I could choose them through a "Follow Me Across The Fediverse" option where I could pick what platforms I follow them on.

    I think it could add a lot to the sense of community.

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    What are your niche hobbies you’d like to share with other people?
  • I find people who develop deep passions for things you never consider in daily life to be incredibly fascinating. This is especially true for things that others might find boring.

    I always want to understand why they find so much pleasure in something others might consider mundane.

  • Would something single sign on (SSO) even be possible? I think the convenience of having a single account for the family of federated platforms would be wildly convenient.

    Of course folks could continue to have individual accounts on each platform if they wanted.

    I also understand that it would create a very tempting target for hackers and it would need to use MFA (multi factor authentication).

    Just a thought and I would like to see you all have to say.

    Asking after having this discussion.


    I've tried to log into Lemmy through multiple apps using my Mastodon username and instance, but I get errors.

    I thought federated accounts were supposed to be usable across applications.

    Am I misunderstanding?

    Changing accounts before posting or upvoting
  • Doesn't the app already have my cached account instances? Could it initiate through each of those instances to find the proper URL?

    Sorry if I don't understand the limitation. It looks like from other replies that Fedilab appears to do this in some aspect.

  • I have multiple accounts that I use and I would like to know or change which account I'm posting from or up/down voting from without having to start from the default view of my account.

    When I do this I have to go find that post again it I have to go find that community again so I can post.

    The Ask

    Can we get options to switch between accounts in more places so we can keep our current view?


    Would it be possible to know what countries are adopting Lemmy across instances?


    I've noticed that some of the new community posts don't seem to have a comment button available.

    I'm still new at this and learning.

    I'm using the Community app on my Android phone.


    So I got a Vitamix dry container and managed to mill my own wheat berries. Made some whole wheat bread that turned out pretty decent.

    How many of you do this?

    What is your setup and how often are you milling your own flour?

    My first post since moving away from Reddit. Please be kind. 😃
