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Ketchup With Those Fries? Sure—as Long as It’s Anti-Woke: Those Bud Light protests just scratched the surface. The right wing is constructing an entire parallel economy, from coffee to banks
  • I've been so tempted to make and sell custom flags printed with pro-Biden/LGBTQ themes, then have pro-trump messaging printed on top using a water-soluble ink so that these idiots would hang the flags proudly like they always do........only to have the flags change completely the first time it rains hahaha. I'd love to see them frantically trying to pull down a flag in a rainstorm 😂

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    For young Americans, politics breaks the American dream instead of building it
  • Few years older than you, decided not to have children after considering our healthcare, the climate, politics, etc. Why would I ever bring a child into this hell?

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    US opposes Trump request to remove judge in federal election case
  • The wheels of justice grind slow but they grind eternal.

    Jack smith and others have watched the games played by Chump's lawyers over the years. They are crafting new charges based on how they anticipate the clown will play his cards (which lets be real, he never plays a new card aside from deny and deflect)

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    Pentagon-Funded Study Warns Dementia Among U.S. Officials Poses National Security Threat
  • Someone else recently explained it best: It's elderly abuse.

    The entourage encircling these elderly congressional leaders are profiting greatly. As soon as these senators retire, these leeches lose nearly everything.

    It's a Weekend At Bernie's movie plot, but with extra steps.

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    Judge rejects Trump’s request to move Colorado ballot case to federal court
  • That's what we need to do more often - mock these chuckfucks. Don't get angry/irritated because that's what they want, just point and laugh at them.

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    McDonald's plans to transition away from self-serve soda fountains in US by 2032
  • Oh I'm not disagreeing with you that it's a bullshit reason - but I can bet that some penny pincher accountant working at McDonalds proved the company could save $X million (single digit lol) if they did this change. Never forget how a dude working for American Airlines in the 1980's figured out that removing one olive from each salad in first class would save over $40k per year.

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    McDonald's plans to transition away from self-serve soda fountains in US by 2032
  • I don't think people know how much pride McDonalds takes in their soda machines. They are kinda strict about them - the water must be chilled to a certain temperature (I think it's a trade secret, but probably like 35F lol) so it retains higher carbonation, and they have a higher ratio of syrup to water so it tastes better than their competitors.

    This is likely due to to abuse by people who helped themselves to multiple free refills, including people who haven't bought anything but sneaking in to get a free drink (it's like $0.10 per drink, I get it - but I'm sure to the penny pinchers trying to justify their executive job, that translates into millions in revenue lost per year for the corporation).

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    Residents asked to stay indoors after escaped Pennsylvania killer is spotted again, and police say he is armed
  • Friend of mine lives within walking distance of the gas station where he was just spotted. She's on lockdown, helicopters flying overhead, schools are closed for the day, etc

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    Nintendo Ending Mario Kart Tour Content 4 years after its debut
  • Dang, that stinks - I actually enjoy the steering mechanics in this game. It's the only mobile game I have played in many many years because it's easy to play a race or two and put the game away.

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    Microsoft has not stopped forcing Edge on Windows 11 users.
  • Cool - forcing ads into the start menu, forcing edge on users. Guess like Win10 is where I leave windows forever.

    I downloaded Mandrake Linux back in 1992. I've always fiddled with linux over the years but could never fulfill all my needs. But things have changed recently. I've started using ChatGPT to help me when I hit roadblocks with Linux, and it's REALLY helped work around the various barriers that have kept me from fully adopting linux. Honestly, I am looking forward to switching entirely over to Linux for my business - I'm tired of Windows. And I've been here since Win3.1!!

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    PAROL6 Desktop Robot Arm GPL-V3 with simulator/software/useful precision/low cost
  • Someone is totally going to turn this into a reprap 3D printer, and I'm absolutely here for it. I can't wait to toss on a 1mm nozzle and start printing some massive 3D printed bog planters for my savage garden hahaha.

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    New Nintendo patent suggests Switch 2 may solve joycon drift
  • Well cool, I hope it does. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but the Nintendo Switch interested me for the occasional mario kart session. But all the Joycon drama scared me off from buying one. I'll hold out for a few more years before splurging - I'm in no rush, I rarely game or watch television anyway lol

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    'The whole thing's a mess': Anger and panic as ADHD drug shortages drag on
  • How long have you been taking them?

    Over twenty years ago my mother "diagnosed" me and sent me to a neurologist who had "self-diagnosed" himself having ADHD. I took larger and larger dosages of the medication over the decades as my "doctor" tried to increase dosages to increase "performance" of school test scores. It was hell - the side effects on me physically were terrible and no, it did not improve my test scores in the way it should. I am living a much better quality of life now that I'm no longer on any prescription ADHD medication

    Does it benefit some people? I'm sure absolutely it does. But I suspect there is a fair percentage of abuse in the industry by people over-prescribing the drugs.

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    'The whole thing's a mess': Anger and panic as ADHD drug shortages drag on
  • Weaned myself off these terrible prescription medications a long time ago due to adverse reactions by my body. I live a better quality of life without them, enough to the point where my sibling also weaned themselves off.

    Sucks for everyone still suffering, I hope they can find relief.

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    CRISPR used to 'reprogram' cancer cells into healthy muscle in the lab
  • Well.... Let's just say those full body scans they take during the medical entrance exams isn't just so they can confirm you're healthy...... They're taking full scans of your body. (Decades ago the intention was to assist in manufacturing replacement body parts when needed for soldiers so they could return to battle faster, but I think we're moving far past that goal now.....)

  • I'll be honest, I've always tinkered with ubuntu and even older versions of linux (Anyone remember Mandrake? Yeah I'm old lol), I had even built my own HTPC at one point many many years ago.

    But I always encountered problems that frustrated me forcing me to eventually abandon the OS in favor of something new. For example, installing programs or drivers that weren't in the software manager GUI, checking USB and device connections, etc.

    I was a windows guy and I hate to admit it. It was just "easier" so I usually took the path of least resistance to getting things working efficiently for my productivity needs.

    But ChatGPT has really unlocked things for my novice self.

    Everything from simple questions to fun ones. Like I had an SD card showing as empty, but I thought it had been formatted, so I asked ChatGPT how to recover lost data on the card, and it walked me through every step - I recovered a ton of data off that card.

    I just installed Linux Mint on an older Lenovo laptop and it's awesome to have a fast portable laptop again.

    I'm excited to dual-boot my older HP Envy AIO computer in the near future, windows 10 has become too buggy for my tastes lately.
