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Possible physical transition problems based on what we are taking, can y'all help?
  • Unfortunately it's really difficult to quantity how medication is going to affect you, as it's different for everyone. I have had really good results with Cyproterone for an AA, and I switched from patches to pills about 2 years into HRT because I was forgetting to change them.

    Progesterone has unclear effects, so it's hard to say you started it "too early". I don't think there's harm in starting earlier, but there's not much research into it so it's hard to say.

    Breast growth can last up to 5 years, but you may want to manage your expectations around it. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, and yours isn't 'wrong'. Everyone is different - for me, they are quite shallow and learning to love my body has been a really difficult journey.

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    Is social media fuelling political polarisation?
  • No, quite the opposite actually! It was meant more as a complaint about the need for change in that area being constantly undermined by capitalist interests but I can see how it came across that way :(

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    Is social media fuelling political polarisation?
  • Tackling wealth inequality is why we keep getting further polarized. Everything is either about maintaining the status quo, or challenging it. It's very clearly not the best thing, but I don't think we can stop at this point.

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    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • Yeah, I agree. For me (a trans woman) it'd make me slightly uncomfortable if somebody capitalised my pronouns each time because I'd feel like some type of power dynamic that's not comfortable for me to sit in. If that's not an issue for OP, that's okay, but with my specific cultural background i'd find it a bit difficult to interact with Them in that way (not that it's hard for me to respect Their pronouns, just that it's slightly uncomfortable in a power dynamic way)

  • Hi!

    I'm planning to try to get into some solar-powered (or low-powered) DIY projects.

    I have a mechanical engineering background so I'm not super worried about learning technical stuff but I live in an apartment and don't really have ready access to a workshop.

    Does anyone have good projects they've found? Having some creativity issues more than anything else, I think...


    Mine is Becky Chambers. I've just finished rereading all of her work, and it gave me the exact same feeling of hope I had the first time. Not groundbreaking, but soul-feeding.

    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • That's rough... I always find death (in all forms) really heartbreaking to witness too. You had to do it, but that doesn't always make it easier.

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I finished my honours thesis and I've honestly been feeling kind of... bad about it? Bit weird. Work's been super hectic too!

    BUT I also booked flights to Canada to see my sister, which is really exciting so things are looking good.
