Let's see, I don't remember episode titles but from memory:
- The one where Harry Kim is having visions of a planet full of hot desperate women who want him for a mate
- The one where they're on a prison colony and Chakotay has to fight The Rock. And this was before Dwayne Johnson's film career really took off.
- The one where they go Warp 10 and devolve into lizard creatures. The lizard versions of Tom Paris and Janeway have lizard babies.
- The one where Janeway falls in love with a holodeck character
- The one where Kes comes back and she's evil
It's a real mixed bag. Sometimes you swing and you miss, and I respect them for even giving these stories a chance. Also I rather like Tuvix.
I think Voyager is underrated
Often the subject of disagreement, Voyager is talked about poorly by some and praised by others. Seeing plenty of posts about it here. Well ya know - I think Voyager is underrated.
That show took risks. They ran some stories that were just risky in terms of writing and production - sometimes it was a hit, sometimes a stinker. That's why it has some amazing episodes and some really really stupid ones, because they were willing to take a chance on something uncertain. And I respect that, too many shows these days feel like the same recycled crap because television has become so risk-averse and they're not willing to take a chance on something that might turn out dumb.
So we got ones like the infamous warp 10 episode, and those are remembered as cases where the show got really dumb. But as an example, Seven of Nine could've completely bombed that show. Yes it looked like they were bringing on a bimbo for sex appeal, and they absolutely could've went that route with her. Fans might've ha
So, I have a story about Star Trek the Animated Series.
My friends and I used to watch it in college, but it was a drinking game. We watched it in Spanish, with no subtitles (and none of us speak Spanish). And there were certain things they said every episode, and everybody drinks when they say it.
"No es logico, capitan"