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"A secret RCMP report is warning the federal government that Canada may descend into civil unrest once citizens realize the hopelessness of their economic situation."

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"the director of the Congressional Budget Office, Phillip Swagel, issued a stark warning that the United States could suffer a similar market crisis as seen in the United Kingdom 18 months ago, during former Prime Minister Liz Truss’s brief stint leading Britain - which briefly sent yields soaring, sparked a run on the pound, led to an immediate restart of QE by the Bank of England and a bailout of various pension funds, not to mention the almost instant resignation of Truss - citing the nation’s "unprecedented" fiscal trajectory. "

Severe austerity is inevitable in USA, regardless of whether the Democrats win the next election. Soc-dem is hopium and economic conditions in USA will worsen.

0 The massive problem with the viral fake Trump arrest photos

"Not everyone is up to speed on how quickly the generative AI and deep fake space is evolving," Henry Ajder, expert in examining synthetic media, told Newsweek.

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
  • So the US had some of its European puppet states directly involved in the bombing and then later the whole thing is somehow leaked. What an interesting turn of events!

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    'The Expectation Is Literally To Work 24/7': Elon Musk Orders Twitter Staff To Work 84-Hour Weeks As 75% Of Employees Face Being Fired
  • Unsure. Maybe he will destroy it, maybe this is like a bailout. Some liberals suggest he overpaid for Twitter. I am unsure if that is copium or not, but he may have accidentally saved it from dying.

  • The Downside to Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks (Published 2021)

    432 Park, one of the wealthiest addresses in the world, faces some significant design problems, and other luxury high-rises may share its fate.
