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no amount of documentation can save users from themselves
  • If you have access to any kind of UX and UI folks, you automagicallly get a leg up on this, y'all. It is goddamn amazing.

    Single dev on a personal project? Go find someone in the community who has an eye for design or hit up a design forum. Work has you on a project with only two other devs and limited resources? Ask for a favor from the UX team down the hall.

    We are all tryna make good experiences out here. Let us avoid getting 'teabagged.'

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    Wine 9.15 released
  • Unless you have built your own custom version of wine, and/or you don't remove your wine directory between versions, you can always install a different version of wine and try it out.

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    Asking for Laptop Recommendation – Offline GPU
  • Thinkpads -- a laptop with a rich history of Linux use -- can be bought with an integrated 4090. The ThinkPad P1 Gen 6 can be configured with an i9, plenty of flexibility for drive space and RAM, and an RTX 4090. It'll run you, even used, around $3k to $4k, which is the equivalent of a desktop replacement. But it'll be pretty doggone compatible with any Linux distro you'd like.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mastodon is a great way to follow folks on Lemmy, as Lemmy is focused more on communities around topics than individual contributors. The foil to that, then, is that individuals can be easily recognized as regular contributors within those communities -- but only because you happen to see their usernames often enough, not because Lemmy is designed to follow them.

    Because of these design choices, I like leveraging Mastodon to hone in on ICs who tend to post interesting content, and share it via my Mastodon network. Likewise, it can be fun to see toots from Mastodon referenced in the communities I follow here, as they help facilitate good discussion.

    There are give and takes.

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    Crowdfunding for a Mobile Linux Sleep Tracker
  • Donated! Glad you are branching out, doing something to spur you on, and working to keep yourself encouraged.

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    A cool guide: Don't overshare information
  • OpSec, y'all. OpSec.

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    Roses rule
  • fr fr

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    How is instagram spying on me?
  • Use the user profiles feature of grapheneos to make a "social" profile and only use that to access Instagram / facebook.

    You'll want to consider isolating IG from your primary profile, to start. The above user's suggestion hits the nail on the head.

    Once the profile ks created, and you've installed IG, you'll want to deselect the option in your Manage Profiles settings on GrapheneOS to 'Allow running in the backgroud.' This way, you can ensure the app is entirely stopped until you want it open.

    Another consideration may be to turn off your Bluetooth when it's not in use, as well: BT emits an 'address' of sorts that, if another IG user has enabled BT access on their IG app, may be able to detect your phone and track a conversation knowing you are in the other user's vicinity.

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    How is instagram spying on me?
  • Is IG on a completely different profile in GrapheneOS, or is the app installed on the primary profile where you use your other apps? GrapheneOS's profiles completely isolate from one another.

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    Alternatives to Google Maps' timeline feature on iOS?
  • It sounds like Nextcloud, an alternative to the Google services platform, may have a feature like this through their PhoneTrack app. Is that what you are looking for?

    You'd have to set it up, but Nextcloud is easy to set up.

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    Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices
  • Tesla, himself, is giving a gentle thumbs up from his grave.

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    This is a meme about beans
  • That's corn, beans, and squash

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    This is a meme about beans
  • Gotta get those 3 sisters goin'

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    doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

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    This is fine.
  • Rory Blank is one of my fav artists. As y'all are able, go find and support his Patreon!

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    Where to discuss Home entertainment/TV hardware recommendations
  • may be a community to look into, OP. While audio focused, you might be able to shake out some general entertainment hardware conversation, as well!

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    OneNote alternative to make a knowledge base
  • +1 for StandardNotes. It's been a wonderful product.

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    What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • Top comment, should be pinned. We need a gaggle of these. A gagglebyte.
