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Book Club Nominations
  • Just so there is some variety I'll nominate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Something short and light to work out the kinks for the thread format.

    All these other suggestions sound good so far though. Whatever works I'll probably be adding them to my backlog.

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    How would you guys feel about having a book club for the community?
  • I am interested if only to help pick out which audiobook I listen to next on my commute.

    I think we would need to do some kind of poll for the pace people would want. A chapter a week, a book a month, or something in between?

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    [discussion] What do you do with your e-bike when you go to a store?
  • A few hundred might be underselling it a bit. In the brief time I've been researching this I was mostly looking at the lectric brand bikes, which start around $800 USD.

    I've seen some for several thousands but wasn't really considering those since this won't be a daily driver and I'm already paranoid about getting the cheaper one stolen.

  • I'm trying to use my car less and bike to places where I can. I've thought about getting an e-bike to extend the range of places I can bike to, but one things that's holding me back is what do I do with it while at the store? If it were just my crappy normal bike I wouldn't really worry too much about someone stealing it, but if I'm gonna spend a few hundred on an e-bike I am nervous about leaving it unattended.

    What are your thoughts?
