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Elon Musk Has a New Excuse for Not Making It to Mars
  • Putting humans in an extremely low atmosphere environment... underground. I let you think of the really bad accidents that could occur from that. I'll start you off with, what if there's a fire? What if there's a leak? Or an earthquake?

    It's got all the terror of space, but you've also got thousands of pounds of earth overhead. Makes Oceangate's Titan sub seem downright safe by comparison.

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    Antisemitic Ads About Doug Emhoff Target Muslim Voters in Michigan
  • Joking about antisemitism needs to include tone indicator tags. That's how the nazis came back on 4chan. Let your comment give no quarter to those who hate.

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    Spiritual battery
  • Sorry, that's Paul. Paul was trying to fit the young Christian church into acceptable Roman society. All the crazy shit in the new testament (controlling abusive crazy shit, not psychedelic type crazy shit, that was John the Elder) is from Paul. Paul is a piece of shit.

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    A robot begins removal of melted fuel from the Fukushima nuclear plant. It could take a century
  • My only problem with that is that they lobotomized Google to make the AI seem valuable. Not that they weren't going to destroy Google's utility eventually, but, once generative AI entered the scene, it deteriorated with a quickness.

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    Whenever illegal votes happen, it keeps being a Republican
  • Yes, but here's the thing. There's no way to know if someone is ignorant or abusing your empathy about their potential ignorance. So, you have to treat both those who are ignorant and those who are malicious based on their actions, which are dangerous.

    It's like how 4chan was the rebirth of nazis, when openly people joke about being a Nazi, being a Nazi is no longer a dangerous thing to be. And that allows for nazis to come back.

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    Did you know that police can no longer lie to children to gain confessions? (In some states?)
  • Well, you see the rules as written are too hard for your average police officer, since we don't want none of them smarties as cops, so we give them enough leniency for them to actually catch people, rather than restricting it to them only catching people the "right" way. That way they don't get too down about their own incompetence. Helps with turnaround. /s

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    Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • Corporate is pushing AI. It's laughably bad. They showed off this automated test writing platform from Meta. That utility, out of 100 runs, had a success rate of 25%. And they were touting how great it was. Entirely embarrassing.
