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Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish
  • Serving 4k video is not free.

    If you refuse to pay for Premium and refuse to be served ads, what do you expect to happen? You're a freeloader.

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    TIL Minimum wage has only increased by $7.00 in 85 years in the USA.
  • You write that as if moving to a new country is just that easy.

    If you're in Europe and have never visited, you might be surprised at just how huge the US is. That, plus having only two adjacent countries, makes leaving very difficult.

    Oh yeah, plus you have to get into another country, most of which aren't super welcoming to immigrants, either.

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    Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes
    1. It's a significant effort to change engines
    2. Even though it's just one dev, they're giving Unity a reason to revert. If you just say "Yo, I'm OUT!" then they've already lost you and they have no reason to revert on your behalf.
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    What type of site do you hope becomes popular on the Fediverse next?
  • Honestly, the only thing about YouTube that pisses me off as a paying subscriber is that even though I pay for no ads...every fucking video has at least one "sponsor call-out" (aka: ad) that I have to manually skip.
