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Youtube or Spotify?
  • Tidal is actually THE highest paying platform for artists if I remember correctly.

    However, tidal adjusts it's prices for the country's gdp, so it's half the price here in Romania. This also means the artists payout is reduced, so that's worth noting.

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    Knights of the static table rule
  • I meant hz, sorry

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    Knights of the static table rule
  • I have tinnitus. It manifests as a sharp sinewave as well. For a week however, the frequency of the sinewave dropped. It sounded exactly how a medium frequency sinewave from my phone, at around maybe 500 mhz( actually its hz) , and it could go down to around 400. It was just for that week, and then it stopped.

    Your comment reminded me of that, and I thought it's an interesting enough story

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • That's good to know

    Edit: I've kinda fallen in love with the app

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • What app is THAT? I'm really curious

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • I'm so exited for the album. I can't wait to see what they do next!

    And as for my answer, I saw the post right during the crossfade period between two songs, so I'll let you choose:

    Midnight Sun in my ass


    Demonic Future in my ass

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    Does your Duolingo app icon look sick? You're not alone
  • Yea but (on reddit at least)you get the option to change the icon. It doesn't change automatically

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    This Google Photos popup
  • Yeah, forgot the name

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    This Google Photos popup
  • There are open source alternatives to Google photos, a good example which uses material 3 (you) is fossify photos

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  • I don't feel abused by the post. In a fucked up way, it's kinda funny. But that doesn't mean it's fine. I've heard much worse. Not necessarily about fat people, but other minorities. Being transgender here is impossible, for example. I have a trans friend and I have to hear my mother bitch about whatever "advantage" trans people have, but "shouldn't". I'm fine, but others aren't.

    Kinda went off track there, sorry.

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  • I'm fat, I've been trying to lose weight for a couple of months now, and I can say, being fat is not good. So yeah, lose weight everybody.

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    Linux desktop market share climbs to 4.45%
  • -2% market share?!?

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    Do cartoon characters see each other in the art style or “realistically”?
  • Inside Out is a great example of just that. While I couldn't find the scene, here's an excerpt from

    *Entering the Abstract Thought Chamber in Inside Out caused the characters to turn into 2D figures with increasingly less defined shapes. *

    If I remember correctly, the characters actually acknowledge the shift to less detailed artstyles.

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    How do you even find specific communities this is the closest thing I found to r/help for lemmy
  • Watch out for rule 5: no how to questions.

    But, for your question, I search using the search function on my client, eternity. For many smaller communities, they're not going to be active.

  • Obviously inspired by 's question

    What's your favorite artist's worst song?
  • It's kinda funny, I saw them live a couple of weeks ago, and they only played one song from the great heathen army, heidrun. Most played were from jomsviking, berserker and twilight of the thunder god, with 3 each. Still an amazing show though lml

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    What's your favorite artist's worst song?
  • Probably Amon Amarth's Oden Owns You All, from The Great Heathen Army. It's just... boring. There's nothing in it. The entire record feels a little inconsistent, but I'd rather listen to something off Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds.


    Amon Amarth, Swedish Melodic Death Metal Band

    The Great Heathen Army, Amon Amarth's latest record

    Sorrow Throuout The Nine Worlds, Amon Amarth's first EP, released before their first album

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    Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • I'm on a road trip, so I'm constantly listening to music, album after album.

    Today, so far, I listened to Disturbed's The Sickness for the first time (it was ok, kinda disappointed, since I love Ten Thousand Fists), Amon Amarth's Twilight Of The Tunder God (one of my favourites, also their most popular album), and In Flames' Colony, which is their second last melodic death metal album.

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    Should I play rdr1 or rdr2 first?
  • If it does, than go for the first.

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    Is Google going to stop supporting android due to lack of profitability?
  • Android is actually THE biggest mobile operating system, with Apple's iOS being in second.source

    Thus, Android most likely is the most profitable mobile os out there. They're not stupid enough to stop supporting it. However, I am worried about AOSP's future in the long term, what with tech giants being tech giants.

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    Spotify update broke playing from another device... AGAIN
  • You might want to know that old spotify versions work perfectly.

    Up until I switched to tidal 4 months ago, I was using a version of spotify from August 2023 to avoid all the "tiktokerry" that appeared everywhere. I tested many versions, and the point where the app stops working seems to be somewhere in 2017

  • 0

    Not anymore I guess


    Today we're doing black metal


    I feel pretty uninspired, and have kind of run out of ideas. Please feel free to give me suggestions, and don't be afraid to post yourselves.
