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Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session
  • ADHD and easier to type a url than open a new tab. People that can maintain a curated tab list.. I wish my brain would allow it.

    Once a day I close browsers to make sure there’s not some work item I forgot to hit post on.

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    Luxury homes on these beaches are losing value fast, as effects of climate change hit hard
  • There was once a house in a Nantucket, they tried to save sand by the bucket, the ocean and sea, would not let it be, so they tried sell and say muck it

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    Google Search is getting even worse for independent sites
  • Just listened to it again. Highly recommend. The short of it is more searches == more ads == more $. There’s a conflict between a great search experience (landing not on google) versus the time you spend ON Google.

    Great story and just terrible outcome.

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    When a real user uses the app
  • The closest I ever got to this story was working help desk in 1996. A user called up saying they had deleted the Internet.

    Took me a while to understand he dragged “the Internet” to the recycle bin on the desktop.

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    Useful apps for guitar?
  • IReal pro for chord charts and backing practice.

    Chord AI is good for “what’s the chords in this YouTube video” is useful for I have sheet music I want to put into guitar pro on the desktop.

    Scan; export as musicml; import on desktop. Cleanup.

    8Strummer - getting new strum pattens down can be a challenge and this gives a useful visual

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    Still sore 5 days after leg day
  • You mentioned 6-7h of sleep. I suspect you aren’t getting enough sleep and not stretching enough.

    You said you went from sedentary to active. Do you have off peak weeks? Did you just start leg days? Is it muscle pain or joint pain? Do you stretch?

    Your tendons and joints need time to build up. I suspect you did wide ranges, you’ve not been stretching, and you’ve really put a strain on the muscle ends. Stretch daily and move throw your motions.

    I went through a similar relearning curve going from cycling -> cycling / yoga -> adding weights

    If the stretching activity isn’t there, man the recovery sucks.

    Good for you for doing it! You’ll figure it out!

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    Sell Me on Linux
  • Agree here.

    Spend your time making sure you are protected against ransomware with good offline backups and able to recover your practice. Keep your payments separate from your comms machine.

    Your job is going to have lots of shady things to click on/invoice/etc

    Plan for it so a malicious client/infected evidence/mistaken click doesn’t take down your practice.

    I’m 25y into this as a technologist and still make mistakes on “oh this will be quick”. Make sure your time sinks are 100% aligned with your business. Think of automation / value and you’ll have the right mindset.

    If you find the tech side fascinating, there’s always demand for good tech lawyers and lawyer comms are entryways into technology management.

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    You Have a Right to Know Why a Health Insurer Denied Your Claim. Some Insurers Still Won’t Tell You.
  • This process is such a nightmare.

    N letters back and forth then a bill stage where you realize something wasn’t paid for. Then an hour long phone call to start an appeal process asking for more documentation about a test ordered 5 months ago. The denials are handwaves.

    Insurance in general is such a nightmare. I’m in the fortunate bucket where I’m well paid and have a decent plan. One kid with chronic conditions. Then the pain of every year being forced to figure out the different game.

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    I made 2 hitbox controllers from scratch
  • Since you built one, you can probably answer the ergonomics question I’ve always had. It’s been years since I did fighting games.

    6 button SF arrangement had the buttons in a straight line so your index finger tip could hit the quick punch and middle of finger hit quick kick.

    The slant to the left arrangement breaks that. Is there an ergonomic reason why?
