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Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • This is great suff and I agree for the most part.

    I have not been occupying right spaces online. Don't have the time / energy. And I don't really put in the effort to try to change anyone's mind Online because people are change resistant online.


    I do argue politely IRL for things that would help. Better infrastructure, trains, good jobs, love everyone, let people do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others, transparency in money and government, and make good things in America. Still unlikely to change minds but at least making friendships with people different from me.

    I guess my overall thesis would be: online discourse is has proven unproductive. I'm tired of reading vitriol and "other side is so dumb wow."

    Disappointed to see the echoiness of the echo chamber on Lemmy

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Thanks! Good response. I think it is always worth the effort to try and understand and talk to people and use words to convince them. I think everyone can be convinced, we just have to pull the right levers.

    But if it's the community's opinion that that is not an option, and only violence is the answer. I have very low hopes for our country's future.

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • Well I honestly think there is more nuance than that. And writing them off doesn't help.

    We should take time to listen and educate people.

    Same as anything else you ever learned. If your math teacher called you a dummy, are you more or less likely to pay attention next class?

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • I would be cautious about writing off an entire side's viewpoint as overdramatic. When they do that to the left, does anyone change their mind?

    This is all about division.

    We need to work on understanding the root cause of issues and working towards fixing that.

    I think economics is actually at the core of the problem.

    A lot of people don't have the basics right now, and they lash out at anything they can to try to fix it.

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • Good call - positive information spreading, I love that.

    I will make the effort to explain that I don't agree with these feelings I am explaining.

    Just explaining the "thought process". Since I grew up among them.

    Since people on Lemmy tend to be really left, and can't comprehend why the right does what they do.

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • Misunderstanding: you assume people are being rational and doing research into these particular families. They are not.

    These are a convenient scapegoat for a bigger problem.

    These problems are emotional, not rational or logical.

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • Citation needed

    Here's mine:

    Watch this and tell me we have closed borders.

    Again, I'm not saying it is RIGHT or ethical for people to want closed borders or restrict immigration.

    I'm saying it IS a thing.

    And it is very easy for a politician to grab onto that emotion and manipulate people.

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    Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • This is the direct result of open borders and shipping people into the heart of the country as a political play by the states in the south.

    People would get mad about/ believe anything. It is purely an emotional response. See reaction to Asians after COVID. Still a problem in NYC.

    Not saying any of it is right but, it's an issue people are noticing and rallying around.

    I am open to all discussions and always argue in good faith. And up vote anyone who responds to me.

    Otherwise I will just assume you want a very narrow range of talking points / are from a hard left instance.

  • If your bag needs wheels, it is, by definition, not a carry-on.

    So tired of people bringing massive bags in the plane that they cannot lift into the overhead bin.

    Pack lighter


    Check your bags

    If you downvote...check which sub you are in


    I have a bunch of old bare hard drives with tons of content sitting on them, and I was thinking about setting up a new NAS / piracy Linux box, as a backend for Plex or similar.

    I want to be able to index my old content and automatically grab new episodes of TV shows and popular movies, with minimal fussing around after initial setup. I am capable with technology, so happy to spend time getting it set up in the first place.

    Where should I start?
