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Lateness is not a moral failing, and punishment for it is systematic oppression
  • The universal design ideal, is that, an ideal. Hopefully we strike an appropriate balance between different people's needs. I think recognizing that some things are more challenging for some people than others is good. There should be reasonable responsibility to anticipate other's needs and advocacy for one's own needs.

    I'll give you my own example as a person with a disability. Have I been late to meetings/appointment "because of my disability"? Sure. I do plan to have enough time to make it work but that doesn't always happens because of unforeseen issues that come up for me that would not for most others. Do I consider that the fault of the others involved? Of course not, let be practical.

    On the other hand when possible, which has been 100% of the time since March 2020, I essentially demand virtual meetings now because my computer is the most accessible environment for me in the world and put me on far more even ground as others.

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    Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • "For the security" is starting to sound a lot like "for the children". I hope this works out better than secure boot. When these new ideas emerge that have, let's call them, "side effects" like disabling ad-blockers or preventing Linux from being installed I am suspicious.

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    Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • Use DNS filtering. I use NextDNS which has a free tier that meets my needs. You can add popular filter lists and your browser will never even see those ads, trackers etc. Or you can use Vivaldi and Firefox of course. But DNS cuts it off before it even gets to your machine.

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    U.S. presidential election: Harris leads Trump in first poll taken since Biden quit
  • To be honest I was worried the US would be just too sexist and too racist for it to work but I am pleasantly surprised. Back when Hillary was running, we saw a lot of ugly stuff and I am sure they will try that again but somehow I don't think its is going to work as well at this point in time and with this candidate.

    The felon has been throwing out vile crap continuously for years now and I think its impact has worn thin and he is weaker than he was. I feel confidant Harris will be much better equipped to fight back than Clinton was.

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    2 in 3 Democrats Want Biden to Withdraw, Poll Finds as Key Deadlines Draw Near
  • Thank you for the insight. I was thinking about the "who answers a phone call" angle but I didn't feel like I could guess well enough to include it.

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    2 in 3 Democrats Want Biden to Withdraw, Poll Finds as Key Deadlines Draw Near
  • Better to link to the source:

    "The nationwide poll was conducted July 11-15, 2024 using the AmeriSpeak® Panel, the probability-based panel of NORC at the University of Chicago. Online and telephone interviews using landlines and cell phones were conducted with 1,253 adults. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3.8 percentage points."

    So I am not saying people do not have doubts, because obviously they do. If they only watch mainstream media and only watched the debate, then it wont be a surprise. But I am not sure this is a very valid poll given the tiny number and that it using landlines at least in part. Who here has a landline?

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    What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • King Arthur is awesome. I also buy olive oil and einkorn flour from Jovial. Einkorn is in the ancient grain category I guess and I find more digestible than typical flour. It is a bit different tasting and to work with, so its not a straight 1 to 1 replacement however.

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    Teamsters President Sean O’Brien Says Union Is “Not Beholden To Anyone Or Any Party” In Historic RNC Speech
  • Look at all those maga people nodding their heads to those "dangerous sodalist" ideas. Its almost like as people we have the same basic needs and beliefs. "Workers own this nation" "Cheers Yeah!" Politicians looking slightly nervous... "this is um, good?"

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    Russian anger builds as Greece prepares a military deal with Ukraine
  • According to Dianeosis, an Athens-based think tank, about 70 percent of Greeks had a favourable view of Russia before the full-blown war in Ukraine. That fell to 50 percent after the 2022 invasion and to 30 percent last year.

    North Korea version 2, unpopular you say?

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    Young Adulthood Is No Longer One of Life’s Happiest Times
  • But my point is that, that is due to one's choices. You don't actually have to get married, have kids, get on the career treadmill. But also some do not even get to have these choices, so have no choice but to follow a non-traditional path. People with disabilities, people who living in places where they are displayed due to political instability, poverty, war etc.

    Someone growing up in Ukraine right now, probably wont consider this to be the happiest time in their lives. A person with a disability struggling to establishing independence over even basic life activities. People who just say f--k it.

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    Young Adulthood Is No Longer One of Life’s Happiest Times
  • Weird article. I think if in your middle aged years you are the most unhappy, its because you have not made the right decisions for yourself. Too many people chase the things they are told will make them happy rather than what they like and know made them happy. Doing what you are "supposed" to do. Alternative paths have their hardship but for me at least, I don't have the kind of complaint I hear from others. You always have to make some kind of compromise...

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    Trump’s Raised Fist Will Make History — And Define His Candidacy
  • That is certainly a problem but many (most?) women you ask, are paying attention to what threatens their lives and puts them into a second class status. And its not just the supposed radical leftist either. There have been and will be plenty of "good" god fearing families who get into trouble with their pregnancies and experience some true horror. Then when you get into IVF and contraception... banning porn etc.

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    Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable
  • That is pretty interesting and thanks for posting it. I hear the words and its intriguing but to be honest, I don't really understand it. I'd have to give it some thought and read more about it. Do you have a place you suggest going to learn more?

    I use chatgpt-4o currently for learning python and helping with grammar. I find it does great with grammar but even with relatively simple python questions it can produce some "creative" answers. Like its in the ball park but its not perfect and for a learner, that's learning the hard way. To be fair I don't use the assistant/code interpreter, which I have no idea about but based on its name I assume it might be better. So that's what I based my somewhat skeptical opinion of ai on.
