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  • I fell into this trap. We have a nice, fancy, efficient EV that's my daily driver, and a larger, less efficient gas vehicle that doubles as the family car/road trip machine that she dailies. We work roughly the same distance from our offices, but on days when she has to go across town on an errand, she takes the EV. It makes sense to save gas and whatnot.

    Rims are fucked. I think she's rubbed them on every available curb in a 25 mile radius. She doesn't care. Fuck me for wanting a nice car I guess.

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    This country needs some fuckin' reform.
  • How exactly does a motorcycle that gets 60 mpg (3.92 l/100 km) take more energy to move a single person that a car that gets 25 mpg (9.4 l/100 km)? Notice that almost nobody carpools in America, which is the subject of this post.

    Also note that almost all motorcycles sold worldwide comply with Euro 5 emissions standards.

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    Thanks, Apple
  • I'm surprised that works. At my job they make us put in the origin and destination and will only pay the mileage for the shortest route.

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    MAGA begins to panic: Trump may not make it to the ballot
  • The only thing that will keep Trump off the ballot at this point is his death.

    Not sure if his death will do it. I can imagine them doing a Weekend at Bernie's with him until after election day.

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    Biden fundraises off Trump’s Iowa win: ‘He’s the clear front runner’
  • We can't have a third party that is viable while we have first past the post voting. We need election reform to include new voting procedures like ranked choice voting or something similar along with the elimination of gerrymandering.
