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Grasshopper CEO Suda51 says people ‘care too much’ about Metacritic scores
  • It's a useful place to find out if something totally sucks though. That's how I use it. 60+? Probably good, at least for some audiences. Less than that? Only if you're already hyped or a fan of whatever thing it's related to.

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  • Laminate swells really badly if water gets between the cracks though. Had to replace mine. Vinyl planks, while being entirely plastic, at least aren't made of compressed cardboard.

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    ‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools
  • This is the same logic given for school aged children to not fight back against bullies for decades, and bullying is now a huge problem.

    I'm talking about a situation where your own child is exhibiting bullying characteristics at a very young age. You can't sit them down and explain why pulling their sibling's hair shouldn't give them gratification...they still want to do it. Just when you're not around. The consequences have to be emotionally driven, and something they can understand and feel even when an adult is not present. What's your alternative? Timeout? Take a toy away?

    I had a brother who tormented me for many years. My parents tried various things, and nothing worked. The thing that did work was me hitting him in the face with a metal belt when I was like ten when he physically attacked me for the millionth time. He just name-called after that, never touched me.

    Obviously an adult is not going to do something like that. But how do you correct a very young child who is exhibiting signs that they are growing into a bully?

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    ‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools
  • In school and 99% of scenarios, physicality doesn't do any good. But if you have a really young child, like 3-5, and they hurt another child or an animal and show no remorse, I think spanking is acceptable as a punishment immediately after the incident. They might have trouble with developing empathy and need to understand they hurt another being.
