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Do they still make these posters?
  • Drunk people can consent. Being drunk doesn't make you do things you don't want to do. It's not a magic potion for fuck sake

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    Lab-Made Meat? Florida Lawmakers Don’t Like the Sound of It.
  • Especially if it makes it cheaper and taste the same and gets the same nutrients and shit. I'll do it. But until then, I'm a meat eating, steak lover and that won't change

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    Trump Ordered to Pay Over $350 Million and Barred From New York Business
  • I work in a hospital. I've seen patients that have had full signs of life, nothing indicating that they might die within the next 12 hours, but guess what? When I came in for my next shift? Boom. Dead. It's the weirdest thing. And alternatively, patients who look like death can cling on to life for months and months and months.

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    Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing?
  • Not just cultural, but also time sensitive. If this were even 10 years ago then living with your parents would seem like weird, but today? Understand why it would still live at home or live with a person or multiple people even

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    Could Taylor Swift tilt Florida blue? It’s Democrats’ wildest dream.
  • It's really hard to see that Latino's just can't see that they're voting against their interest when they vote conservative, at least in this country.

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    What Major Social Media Platforms Would You Like To See Federated Alternatives To That Don't Exist Yet?
  • I see we're going with this, but it wouldn't work. As there are already alternatives within the larger social media framework, like subreddits and sublemmings? How the hell you want to say it. With the point still stands, that regional social media will never work as there will always be better alternatives within a bigger social media platform

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    Cops arrest 17-year-old suspected of hundreds of swattings nationwide
  • This says more about the cops than it does about the kid. Maybe confirm what you're getting into before you go? And not just 100% trust random info you get?

    This is so I'll the cops fault.

  • I keep shooting the bloody dragons in the head, but I only get scales instead of the horn part, is there anything else I have to do?


    Basically just the title, everything else works in my mouse except for the scroll wheel. The weird thing is it works in system apps, like settings, but in like my internet browser I can't scroll Any fixes to this?
