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Discussion thread - 16 September
  • That sucks. I was almost in the same boat last year but luckily the repairman was able to fix it because I wasn’t happy about the prices for what we needed.

    I don’t get why companies jump through hoops to give her things? Like what has even done that makes her worthy of this???? Like sorry but I’m not gonna run out to this place just because they’re giving her a freebie, that makes me want to stay away.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Makes me sick. Not that I’m in the market for appliances but there’s another place I will never be going to if the need for anything arises.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Notice how all the pictures showcase HER? It’s not about their anniversary at all, it’s about more pictures of Sarah. Shane staring lovingly at Sarah, shane holding up Sarah, Shane standing behind Sarah, Shane having to dip Sarah, all about Sarah.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Birds a liar once again. Acting like she films her videos in the camera app when we know damn well she films them somewhere else to filter. Her camera videos would not be as blurry as they are if she actually used that app.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • I hate her so much for getting away with this. She’s such a terrible influence for the body confidence community. Then she’ll make a video about how you get rolls while sitting and your arms look a certain way in the car or some bs.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Yes I noticed that too!!! I couldn’t imagine living like her and having to worry about having my face a certain way bc I’ve created such a lie.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Little Miss doesn’t have lip filler. Must be fit glow making her lips so big 🙄

    Also love the alarm on her face when J turns the camera to her

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • It’s making me so uncomfortable and I’m not even wearing the jeans

    ETA: like they look so uncomfy even standing up

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • Her stupid fake face makes me so mad lol. Thank god Shane is teaching Lemon because Sarah is a MORON and thinks it’s adorable to be this stupid.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • And how excited she was to point out someone else was watching her kid even while that person was doing their job. Couldn’t be Sarah.

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • She legit made Shane buy her a Nespresso for her bday and I bet she’s never even used it. It makes FARRRRRRR better coffee than the crap at Tim’s too (I do love Tim’s steeped tea though). Someone has said she has an unlimited Tim’s card or something??

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • The fact they need another photoshoot. Why do they need a new anniversary shoot every single year? Why not make it special and save it for important anniversaries. She’s obsessed with having pictures of herself done. I bet Shane hates having to do this but he’ll never put his foot down that’s for sure. I bet this woman never hears the word “no”.

    Once again she’s feeling so obsessed with the her she sees in her camera 🙄

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    Discussion thread - 16 September
  • I don’t get what she thought was rude but I hate her face lol. Like she’s mad she made plans and now they’re coming up or what?

  • She really has the babydoll sexpot look going on for walking around Disney today. Like nips out for Disney? 😬 Good lord dress like a normal person for a long day at a Disney park! It isn’t a fashion show. Literally who dresses like this at a Disney park with your family? She’s so embarrassing.
