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Big Crypto Is Spending More on US Elections Than Any Other Industry
  • Crypto billionaires are billionaires “on paper.” By that, I mean, they can’t get their money OUT of crypto unless millions of people buy INTO crypto. So, of course, they are trying to mainstream it.

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    Reading habits in Europe
  • I always thought these studies would show an inverse relationship to how good the country’s weather is. The colder it is outside, the more likely you’d be to stay inside and learn. But not sure that totally lines up here….

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    What's a life lesson you learned the hard way that you'd want to share with others to help them avoid the same mistake?
  • Do not allow humans to pick your stocks. I recommend ETF index funds as opposed to Mutual funds. Mutual funds, or any fund that is controlled by humans, could morph into something else, i.e., whatever gets them the highest return. In an extreme example, you could buy a Green mutual fund only to find out later that it shifted a lot of its investments to fossil fuel companies. Index Funds pick a sector and follow it brainlessly. No broker or manager f#ckery.

  • Churches Are Breaking the Law by Endorsing in Elections, Experts Say. The IRS Looks the Other Way.

    For nearly 70 years, federal law has barred churches from directly involving themselves in political campaigns, but the IRS has largely abdicated its enforcement responsibilities as churches have become more brazen about publicly backing candidates.

    8 Lifeway Research: Americans Are Fond of the Bible, Don’t Actually Read It - Lifeway Research

    Americans have a positive view of the Bible. And many say the Christian scriptures are filled with moral lessons for today. However, more than half of Americans have read little or none of the Bible. Read More

    This study is from 2017, but I suspect the numbers are even worse now.

    Trump Launches Truth+ Streaming Service for Your Least Favorite Uncle
  • Space Lawyer in the comments nailed it:

    “The stock has been tanking and will face a difficult earnings release on August 19. My guess is that this is intended to try to buttress investors fleeing. The 180-day restriction on Trump selling expires in September. So they have to keep the stock price up for just a couple more weeks to cash out and hope to not get swept up in the SEC investigation.”

    Just more fleecing by DJT.

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    People who have installed Linux on their parents computer, how did it go? Which distro do you recommend? Any tips?
  • I installed Ubuntu about 15 years ago and my Dad thought it was the new Windows. Had far fewer problems with it, but he kept hitting random keys and causing the most amazing errors. I just heard about EndlessOS which seems perfect for old folks.

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    Do people actually get upset if you forget their name?
  • I had a brain fart when talking to a new coworker and couldn’t remember her name. She was very attractive, and this had clearly never happened to her before. She became very agitated and upset about it. (She wasn’t a b*tch or anything, just unaware of the benefits she got from being pretty.)

    I was always nice and respectful to her, but for the rest of our time working together, I continued forgetting her name and it drove her nuts.

  • Those channels give the burrito moisture somewhere to go so the tortilla stays dry. 👍


    I love Digikam, but fixing photos is a lot of work. So I use Luminar NEO to get looks that would take hours I don’t want to spend. Is there an open source alternative to Neo? Something that supports LUTs, presets, etc? Thx.


    Wasting water with tankless heater

    It takes a few minutes for my tankless water heater to warm up, so we end up wasting a lot of water in our shower. Is there a way to avoid this? A friend mentioned a “comfort valve” or something? What is it and how does it work? Or is there another solution? Thx!
