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Weekly What's Up?
  • Finished the heating duct. Conclusion, do not move heat by air from a stove. It goes too slowly.. I was disappointed on the heat gain. If you ever want to move heat, sigh, use water for more heatcontent to be moved.

    I read your projects and see much ambition. Although it cost a lot of time, keep up the good work!

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    Weekly What's Up?
  • Well, I was working on laying a 4in isolated flexible airpipe to go from the first floor, through an airshaft aside the chimney down to the first floor to heat the ground floor with the stove on the first.floor (our living and bed room). Bought a thermal camera to see results (and winter optimization) but nothing happened. Turned out the pipe had ruptured inside the air duct. Now have to redo the work... At least I do not have to finish it tomorrow

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    DIY Show and Tell!
  • Nice question to ask. As usual too many projects to cover in this short time šŸ˜.

    Closing the lower part of the serre for the winter upcoming. Creating a hatch out of too small hinges but these were available. Also made a rack under there to place the double winter windows which are exchanged in the winter for muskito windows from the summer. Working with wood is very fun.

    I am also working on making a small duct to displace heat generated by stove on the first floor to the groundfloor. Have some difficulties finding a right thermostat that turns on over a certain temperature. Unfortunately photo upload is not working for me ATM otherwise I would have shared.

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    Discussion: Do Yellow Bug Lights Keep Bugs Away?
  • Good tip @Mike D. I want to make lightpoints for my house and sauna house in near future as it's get autumn and winter here. So I will now look for a yellow glass screen for these lights. The yellow I also like more for the warmth. Hope I have bought lights with good CRI which have larger color frequency range and give more natural yellow as result

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    One month with a solar battery - real statistics
  • I'm curious what type of Statistics monitoring system you aiming for @poVoq. I have ordered a 3.7kw panels + special type inverter for direct heating of a boiler and a secondary boiler/other item. And i am intrigued what the monthly differences are in kWh generation and would like to track those. Only I have no idea what I can hook up between the panels and inverter to log.

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    Downtime [SOL002]
  • It was a nice read although a bit short. I wanted to continue. A very good sign, thanks

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    Dog keeps treating the compost pile as a restaurant
  • Do not worry too much. Ive seen my dogs eat deer ones which were severely decomposed already. And when it is not good for them or they ate too much they puke. It is natural to let the dog decide for it self though. But yes there could be toxic levels of some elements, if you have animal/human feecees for example. I'm curious on your findings @drk.

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    Dog keeps treating the compost pile as a restaurant
  • Healthy food for a healthy dog. Does the dog clean up afterwards?

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  • Good words, schmorpel. You transcribed my thought exactly as is ;P. Hereby a imaginary photo from also the same type of sunflower I saw today in our garden, aiming towards the north? ( I live in northern hemisphere though).

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    These cities are having drone shows instead of fireworks displays for Fourth of July celebrations
  • I do not know about drone shows.. arguments posted here are good on ratio, like polluting and the type of ppls involved. But I must confess that all the drone shows I have seen I found quite plain to be honest. Fireworks do still offer more for the senses. Beside the visual, the sound of fireworks is so much more diverse then only the bzzzz of a group bees. The sound delay from fireworks gives much more tension/excitement. The smell is something I also like somehow. All the senses get a bit more to handle which is interesting to watch/listen/smell fireworks.

    I think drone shows could learn from that and be way better by combining drones with picoprojectors or combining a lasershow with smoke blasts. Or combine also some fireworks with drones. Maybe place subwoofers on drones and create a sound pallet. There is enough combinations to think of as long as there is some spark.

    Aside the droneshow firework show, I totally agree on blocking the egocentric people that blast away with fireworks during a random night or towards people

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    3D printed Wind Turbine Design For Camper Vans, Boats etc.
  • Indeed, his videos are interesting in that he shows a lot. His laughing makes me impatient sometimes. Also I wonder with an airturbine like that, how does it perform under load. And a flywheel attached would be interesting

  • We drink a lot of milk and I have been collecting these bricks with the idea that there would be a usable function like isolation. But I slowly come back from that plan. the plastic inside will breakdown after a while I would think and there is no structural support of these packages. If I keep it empty, mice can nestle in it and filling with foam prevents from curing...

    I am a bit out of ideas. Now i am thinking of using as insulation but then as a flat package. It will require only more milk drinking though šŸ˜…. maybe you have some ideas to reuse these cartons?

    What's something you learned in your job that can be used in a solarpunk lifestyle?
  • Ive work for a company that develops irrigation equipment solely on water and solarpower. Also we work with smallholder farmere. I am able to learn also how smallholder farmers grow all different foods. To pump with waterpower and solarpower is a bit finiky compared with a fuel pump. We work towards removing the finiky and it is a rewarding goal and the work is very interesting.

  • I have been thinking on how to claim every energy that comes on my plot. Technology goes more and more into harvesting the smaller left over energy. Ive seen examples in the Netherlands where startups try to get energy from a chip (I have been thinking on how to claim every energy that comes on my plot. Technology goes more and more into harvesting the smaller left over energy. Ive seen examples in the Netherlands where startups try to get energy from a chip (, and a transparent solar panel layer on windows etc. Here in Lithuania sometimes the whole day has an overcast sky and that is the solar energy that we are getting. I know that with heavy overcast days a standard solar panels output can be as low as 10%. So a 5kWp can generate instead of 3.75kW produce only a meager 370W. My question to you, arent there other solar technologies that are adjusted to this overcast circumstances? So to gain more efficiency from diffuse lighting or from frequencies that can pierce the clouds more (like infrared spectrum)?

    Some sunday morning pondering....

    Turn a gasoline powered generator into a hydrogen powered generator
  • The video was nicely made. So much effort and material to gain views only... But nicely made with the shaking when starting the generator and then a sound taking over. the constant rpm with an angle grind turning on was unfortunately not well implemented. Maybe just enough flaws implemented to keep it at the satire level.

  • Would it not be nice to have an inverter (2kw) which is off the grid that can work by having a very small buffer (1 kwh) to power applications that can work intermittent. So when the sun goes away, the applications (such as a pump or fan) work for one hour more and then stops. Like a UPS.

    I work for a company that uses small solar pumps for small holder farmers and these pumps do not have batteries. So when the sun is away, the pump simply stops working and continues to operate when the sun is back.

    I would like something like that for my shed. My question is this, does anyone knows the correct terminology for such an inverter and or do you know a brand as an example that can do this?

    Japanese biomass venture using microorganisms to tackle waste disposal - The Mainichi
  • Very interesting but compost has some use. I can see we can use water but co2, what to do with that?
