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"Too much WOKE these days. You can't even make a joke anymore!"
  • Just watched it, what it basically boils down to is that nowadays most "comedy" from US conservatives isn't meant to be funny, it's meant to "own the libs." So instead of coming up with witty, valid criticism of Democrats, they do whatever they can to try to get a rise out of them, which leads to a bunch of nonsense that is more concerned with making a political point and upsetting people than it is with actually being funny or even true.

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    Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation
  • I love Aldi and they're always the first place I shop, but their selection is a bit limited and the produce is hit-or-miss, at least in my area. Unfortunately around me that only leaves Kroger as the next best option.

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    Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation
  • Which they seem to be keenly aware of, since the self-checkout you're forced to use because there's only ever one staffed register constantly accuses you of theft if you so much as move your bagged groceries. God how I wish I had more grocery options in my area.

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    But they love him in the mirror universe.
  • Curiously, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica which fell through a rift in the time-space continuum from 1000 years in the future describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: "A bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came."

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    Anon plays Metro 2033
  • FC6 too. In the beginning you're only helping the resistance so they'll give you a boat to escape to Miami. Once they give you the boat you're supposed to join them anyway, but if you take the boat and sail far enough away you'll get a cutscene where you escape to Miami and later watch the fall of your country on the news.

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  • Out of all the Garfield edits, I think the one where people replace the last panel with Garfield being defenestrated is my favorite .
