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Suella Braverman broke law by denying asylum seekers £3 a week, judge rules
  • I assume then that the next election won’t be pretty for them

    Pretty much every political commentator at this point is confident that they're going to be wiped out and lose worse than they ever have in history. So yeah, not pretty.

    That said it's their own fault, Sunak was supposed to bring things around, but he's basically done nothing and just sat there being useless while the right wing nationalist element of his own party essentially destroy their election chances. It's bizarre watching them go at it, it's like they were sent from the future with a mission to ensure the conservative party is never politically electable ever again.

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    If only we could know!
  • There was a story about them deleting accounts with games, followed by articles saying it was only for accounts with no games.

    So it was a non-story back then as well?

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    Ubisoft reportedly deleting customer accounts with purchased games if they have been inactive for too long
  • But I still need the website to actually download the game my point is if GOG went down I would be in exactly the same situationm I have no way to get another copy of the game.

    So it isn't any more convenient to me than Steam

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    Lemmy is more left leaning because the rights popularity seen on other social media are driven by bots that are not here.
  • I can only base this on my own government but I'd say about only a small fraction of the right wing party are full on Nazi's, the rest are just awful people but they're not evil. Although it is hard to tell because quite a lot in the greedy, which from a distance can't look the same.

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    Lemmy is more left leaning because the rights popularity seen on other social media are driven by bots that are not here.
  • Yeah, Lemmy has address to this by just having an incredibly glitchy algorithm (look at this post with five up votes from four months ago, it deserves to be on the front page). No one can game it because no one understands it.

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    Lemmy is more left leaning because the rights popularity seen on other social media are driven by bots that are not here.
  • People throw around the word too much, there are actual Nazis around and we need to reserve the term just for their special brand of evil. Otherwise the phrase gets so watered down as to essentially become meaningless.

    Otherwise they are just rightwing dipshits.

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    Ubisoft reportedly deleting customer accounts with purchased games if they have been inactive for too long
  • I think that ship has unfortunately sailed.

    Even if I buy a game on Steam I don't technically own it. If the game was ever deleted from their servers and then I lost my local copy either because I uninstalled it or because I got a new computer, I would have no way to get my game back, and I doubt that Valve would refund me.

    But some games literally don't have physical releases, even if I did have an optical drive. So what option do I have?

    The only real solution to all of this is a changing copyright law that says that once a piece of software no longer becomes commercially available through legitimate means it becomes legal to pirate it. But that would require politicians around the world to a, understand computers and b, not being 900,000 years old.

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    did I switched reality during the night?
  • Attacking Poland would be a stupid thing to do even if Poland wasn't a member of NATO.

    The Russians can barely fight a war on one front, opening a second front would be insanely stupid.

    Poland has all the same weapons Ukraine has, plus an air force capable of hitting the broad side of the barn.

    What am I saying of course they're going to do it. This is the country that thinks that orbitally dropping unguided bombs constitutes an effective military strategy.

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    Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it
  • This is such a non issue.

    Literally from the link that was posted

    We may also close long-term inactive accounts to maintain our database. You will be notified by email if we begin the process of closing your inactive account.

    If your account was flagged as inactive and you would like to keep using it, you can cancel the closure of your Ubisoft account.

    Did you even read it.

    They are not closing your account randomly they're closing old accounts as is required by law, you are wand that this will occur and given time to log in and prevent it from happening.

    And there isn't anywhere on that page where they say they will delete your old game so I don't know why that bit comes from.

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    Diving subreddit has new mods who promise to put an end to the protest, commentors are not happy. Is this the end of SCUBA???
  • I've dived about 5 times just by going to rental places and on guided tours.

    It's not hard to get numbers up. Besides to be certified (as in you can go diving yourself) you have to have done in certain number of hours not a certain number of sessions.

    The fact he doesn't claim to be certified, or working towards certification makes me think that perhaps he doesn't actually know what he's talking about.
