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2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • show me some billionaires that never took advantage of anyone to get their billions

    You can't prove a negative, screwball. It's literally impossible to prove "never took advantage of anyone" about anyone, billionaire or not.

    Not that you aren't almost certainly using an overbroad definition of 'take advantage', on top of it.

    I'm down to change my view.

    No, you aren't. People who are don't play these kinds of semantic games.

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    2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • Which of course is a stupid comparison indicative of economic ignorance, because wealth does not grow linearly for anyone who doesn't stuff their money under a mattress.

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    Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'
  • What a surprise, you consider your team the good guys and the other the bad guys, lmao.

    If you had values, you'd recognize shitty/stupid behavior no matter who is doing it. By giving your side a pass for behavior you'd absolutely criticize the other side for, you prove that you have no actual values. It's team loyalty over integrity. Your comment just reinforced that. I'd put money down that

    By the way, calling out "he's stinky!" as childish, which it objectively is, is not fucking FASCISM APOLOGY, lmaoooooooo. Ideologues are so over the top, hahahaha, holy shit! Listen to yourself, for crying out loud.

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    NYPD shot four people - including two bystanders one who is in critical condition - and another cop over a $2.90 fare.
  • They shot because the guy charged at them with a knife, not because of the fare. OP’s thread title is deliberately misleading, in a desperate attempt to twist this into ACAB fuel.

    Any bystander injuries are to be blamed on the aggressor Mr. Knifey.

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    NYPD shot four people - including two bystanders one who is in critical condition - and another cop over a $2.90 fare.
  • [Chief] Maddrey said during a verbal altercation, they "became aware of a knife." Body-worn camera footage, which Maddrey said he reviewed before the press conference, allegedly showed the man make a verbal threat to the officers. He told the cops, "I'm going to kill you if you don't stop following me," the chief said. As the encounter continued to escalate, a northbound L train pulled into the station. The train cars opened and the man jumped inside, according to police. Maddrey said the officers followed the man, each firing a Taser which proved ineffective in subduing the man. He then exited the train while it was still at the station and charged the officers with the knife, the chief said.

    Cops clearly did nothing wrong in shooting at a guy charging at them with a knife--anyone would be justified in doing so, cop or not. Bystander injuries are on the aggressor's hands.


    Mayor Eric Adams, who also attended the briefing, described the knife-wielding man as a "career criminal" with over 20 arrests.


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    Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'
  • Just because you say it’s projection doesn’t mean it is.

    It's not because I say it, it's because of all the freaking out in this thread in response to being called out on what is, objectively, immature childish behavior.

    If anyone has on their list of political criticisms of Donald Trump "people said he's smelly", that person deserves to never be taken seriously by anyone of merit. That's a fact, no matter how hard you cope. That's why you're being mocked, and why it's merited. Child.

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    Men losing their mind
  • Why are men so absolutely abhorrent at taking criticism?

    Uh, lol...meanwhile, women are so hostile to criticism that massively-successful TV shows are made out of that premise (TV shows whose primary audience are women, by the way, ironically enough).

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    Men losing their mind
  • There is no way you're actually dumb enough to think those are representative of what the expectation norms are for either sex.

    So stop being disingenuous.

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    Men losing their mind
  • There’s a long, documented, researched, history of men being raised to expect things from women.

    I find the implication that there is not also a long, documented, researched, history of women being raised to expect things from men, quite amusing in its ignorance.

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    Men losing their mind
  • Someone got cucked and is bitter about it 😂

    What a colossally callous and heartless thing to say.

    Being cheated on is a horrendous betrayal. "Bitter" is the least on the list of absolutely justified emotions to feel in response to that.

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    Men losing their mind
  • I’m not saying women are universally awful or anything.

    You obviously aren't, but it speaks volumes all on its own that you felt there was a need to state that, only bolstering your other points about this one-sidedness.
