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Besides speed, what would actually suck about surfing the internet back in the day compared to now?
  • Boo. Sorry for upsetting you lol. Sometimes discussions branch out. Have a nice day

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    If I go onto meds, will I still be able to rely on hyperfocus to accomplish tasks or master new skills?
  • Yeah I still hyper-focus, with or without meds 🙂

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    Ever since my self-diagnosis, I feel a weird 'us vs. them' mentality referring to myself as neurodivergent vs. neurotypicals.
  • Oh yeah, I definitely feel this. I'm self-diagnosed a few months ago

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • You can make lists in Mastodon, eg to create different feeds with different types of people, it's like having themed timelines.

    But I still agree with you.

    I think I'm leaning towards Lemmy.

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    Besides speed, what would actually suck about surfing the internet back in the day compared to now?
  • But are "most people" on Fedi?

    As an autistic person, all of the normal people are weird (to me).

    I wonder if Fedi still has that perceived barrier to entry (even thought it's not that hard) so the normies aren't here here, and that it's not "the popular thing that everyone does by default" yet so the people are here because they want to be.

    I think Fedi feels kind of like the wild west early days, in a nice way.
