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I think he couldn't
  • After captain america picked up Mjølner, he then turned water into wine and came back to life three days after dying.

  • Dronning Margrethe bliver interviewet om J.R.R. Tolkien (på engelsk) JRR TOLKIEN '1892-1973' - A Study Of The Maker Of Middle-earth J. R. R. TOLKIEN John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, CBE was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit, T...

    Jeg sad og havde JRR TOLKIEN '1892-1973' - A Study Of The Maker Of Middle-earth kørende, da jeg pludselig hørte en velkendt stemme.


    Running distance over time. I still can't run 5k without walking about 20% of the way.

    And it's not going fast either, but I'm still proud of the progress. The data is keeping me going.

    EDIT: Thanks for the support! The legs still don't want to do, what I want them to. But they will learn, who's the boss eventually.
