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Coming up with memes over the last few months has been hard. This is a new year, time for new efforts!


It's not that I'm mad about the CnBT, it's more that I'm mad that it happened Infront of kids.

ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ

Season 13 episode 322 on American Netflix


Couldn't find a youtube clip but it happened at season 10 episode 250 at 21m:30s, I just saw it on USA Netflix


So I was day dreaming and I caught a thought. What if what we understand about physics is actually all there is to understand? What if you objectively cannot move faster than the speed of light because you can't do the time traveling things necessary. This would mean that the only way to travel amongst the stars would be to extend our lives so that a 5000 year trip at the speed of light would represent like 10% of our lifespans. Travel would be attainable but like the way it was when we were sailing ships to the new world.

That's just one practical solution I could think of to stellar travel. Does anyone else have a practical idea?


If you zoom into the black line you can see all the other genders