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I'm gonna start posting Silmarillion memes, you can't stop me
  • See if you can go out and find a particularly large spider to aid you in your quest

    And perhaps an army of balrogs in case the spider becomes too much to deal with.

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    Florida Cop Empties His Gun, Runs For Cover After Acorn Falls On Car and Mistakes It For Shots Fired
  • And from what I've been lead to understand from people who discuss policing issues in the US, cops are made to feel terrified of those 'worst case scenarios'. Fear is instilled deep, deep in their psyches and it is pervasive in every facet of their work.

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  • comparing humans to bacteria in a pro colonialism post

    Yeah checks out

    How about you go swim in rubbing alcohol if you're such a bacterium. Have fun.

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    Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President
  • You're a pointless troll, but on the side of genocide. Have you been to Palestine? Spoken to Palestinians? Have you seen the destruction wrought by your proud genocidal cronies?

    I hope the screams of children burning haunt you in every waking moment. May your soul burn for eternity.

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    Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President
  • I've been in Palestine and I have spoken with more Palestinians than you probably have. I'm also an organizer and activist. It's not manufactured outrage.

    Again. Go read the documents that South Africa submitted to the ICJ.

    Also I'm Dutch, of course I know where Palestine is, unlike Americans.

    You can be annoyed that your dear precious leader is inconveniencing you with his committing a genocide all you like. That's basically what you're doing. Doesn't change the facts and raging at me because I'm pointing it out isn't going to change anything either. So grow up.

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    Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President
  • You realize people can just, read up and be informed outside their own borders right? Of course you don't realize that, you're American.

    Have fun voting for someone who supports genocide though! Real neat family trip. It's the American nuclear family dream, voting for genocide!

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    Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President
  • Go read the documents South Africa submitted and stop supporting a genocide. It's that simple. Call me what you like, at least I don't support mass murder
