Skip Navigation ‘Major blow to NHI idea’ — Judge rules health legislation unconstitutional

Health legislation that would require doctors and health practitioners to obtain a ‘certificate of need’ before being allowed to practise in a particular area has been declared unconstitutional by the high court. The requirement has been described as a cornerstone of the proposed National Health Ins...

US calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza with draft UN resolution
  • Apartheid Israel has killed more than 1% of Palestinians in Gaza (70% are women and children) in 4 months. This is equivalent to killing 3 million Americans in 4 months. The death toll is now past the Bosnian Genocide. More needs to be done than just a ceasefire; they need to be sanctioned like Russia and other pariah states are.

  • US calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza with draft UN resolution

    Release of Israeli hostages tied to Washington’s demand as Biden administration ups pressure on ally

    16 US calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza with draft UN resolution

    Release of Israeli hostages tied to Washington’s demand as Biden administration ups pressure on ally

    ‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence | Israel-Gaza war
  • Apartheid Israel is single-handedly increasing antisemitism. They have now killed more people than in the Bosnian Genocide.

    When's the world going to sanction them like Russia has been? Hypocrisy of the global north at its best.
