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What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • I have an official USB pet rock I got from a thinkgeek back in the day. Has a little box with air holes and everything.

    Exactly as functional as the original pet rock, but has a short USB cable attached.

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    To people who choose not to swear (for non-religious reasons), what is your motivation to be that way ?
  • My parents both didn't swear (at least not where I could hear them) so I simply never picked up the habit. I can swear if I make a conscious effort to do so, but generally only find reason to if I am quoting someone or something. And even that feels awkward to me.

    As for expressing myself, I don't believe I have much trouble in that regard. There are a ton of other words available and ways to arrange them. And if I truly need to express anguish, rage, etc. there is always yelling or screaming.

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    Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • Primaries are still subject to spoiler effects and such.

    In my very blue state this year where the top two in the primary go on to the general, there was a local position which had a whole bunch of well qualified Democrats vs just a couple of Republicans. (Incumbent not running)

    The dem vote was split enough that we very nearly had just the two Republicans in the general. Like less than 60 votes away.

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    What stands out the most about you?
  • Like so many people answering this, my height.

    In my case it contrasts with my wife's height - I'm half a yard (nearly half a meter) taller than she is.

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    Why some open world video games of the late 2010s and early 2020s have been considered "Breath of the Wild clones"?
  • Genshin has a 7 elements system that partially does what you describe: Wood (or anything made of or affected by dendro) burns when exposed to fire (pyro), fire melts ice (cryo) and vaporizes water (hydro), water conducts (well, causes a damage reaction with) electricity (electro), etc. The outliers are stone (geo) which makes forcefield shields with some of the other elements, and air (anemo) which swirls up and spreads and reacts together some of the other elements.

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    Use eSIM plans on any Android phone with this handy adapter - Android Authority
  • Initially I didn't see it on the package in the image, so before reading the article it looked like a prank product, just an empty case to hold your eSIM.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • I have the opposite issue with background apps - I have 12 GB of RAM (16 on the tablet) and it still closes utilities sometimes and forces me to relaunch them (in some cases going back into settings and re-enabling accessibility services for example. That should never happen, in case it's Really for accessibility)

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    Why does your nose only itch when both hands are full?
  • That one actually has a simple math reason: the slow lane is slow generally because it has more cars, so more people are actually in it than are in a faster lane. (Ignoring traffic waves and taking the average speeds)

  • Trending Communities for Sunday 24th September 2023 -

    ### New Subscriber Growth Home Organization [/c/] [], up 33.93% to 1342, (16 posts, 7 recent) just a picture [/c/] [], up 1.33% to 28, (22 posts, 11 recent) Art et Design [/c/] [], up 0.57% to 4...

    The links inside the linked post are relative links, such as xkcd which is a link to /c/

    Boost does not open them when tapped, flashing an error instead.


    There are unfortunately some subreddits which are still the best place to find timely info about certain topics - for example video game subs run by the developers of the game. Lemmit is a way to subscribe to those while not giving Reddit any more "engagement" or ad views.

    The bot that runs Lemmit only posts on its own instance, so users like me only see it when we subscribe explicitly (or the All view I guess, but that's a mixed bag already. Edit: and each user could choose to ban it if they want)
