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Mozilla leadership
  • Oh yes, my feeling also about it.

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    Mozilla leadership
  • You can follow the link in the ref and read comments: it's about a leadership decision of Mozilla to close their Mastodon instance. They do this while they invest a lot on AI.
    In short, it's Mozilla governance that is going more and more full speed into a "capitalism tech bro" mindset, at the cost of a more and more visible departure of the Free/Libre software community. A decision that I qualify of them being clowns, now. And I parody the meme for that.

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    Mozilla leadership
  • I sincerly feel sorry to read it. I hope you'll forgive me for haven't been able to anticipate this particular side effect for the audience not knowing the original meme, or not clicking on the ref. 😔

    I really thought it would be read just as a tiny joke in front of a news I had hard time to cope (something that happens too often with Mozilla).

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    Mozilla leadership
  • I feel sorry in advance if another meaning than "Mozilla leadership once again are making clown things" can be interpreted from this drawing.

    If it is hurting a community. That's not my intention at all with this comic.

    Also, if it has something to do with the makeup symbols or the colors of the hair, it is just inspired/inherited from the original meme (src: ).

    Thank you for pointing it, I hope my answer will participate to disambiguate anything wrong.

  • Mozilla leadership

    Mozilla leadership (in ref to <> )

    #comic #firefox #mozilla
