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Full points for confidence
  • The explanations that chiropractors have for how it works are basically pseudoscience. It is for the most part a placebo (they pretend to fix alignment issues that just don't exist). But I'm not denying there may be instances where they actually fix something which could've been fixed by physical therapy as well. It's a dangerous gamble though, there are cases where people got paralyzed or outright died because of a chiropractor. This is a good overview:

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    Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt
  • First they tell the AI to be unbiased, then they tell it to explicitly be anti-vax, deny climate change, etc.

    Guess they didn't like some of the "unbiased" responses.

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    Sam Altman fired as CEO of ChatGPT maker OpenAI in shock move
  • What the hell? How about leaving such matters to courts? While terrible if true, I'll hold of judging until something is proven. It's too easy to ruin someone's life with false accusations.

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    If you could make any "simulator" game, what would it be?
  • There have been a few games where the goal was to make a planet/region habitable again, I've always liked the idea. It's like a reverse city builder.

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    Anon romanticizes Night City
  • Exactly, what's so grueling about the CP universe is that they have the tech and means of creating a utopia, but due to the extreme capitalism, corruption and overwhelming power of corporations nothing gets better. It's like everyone who cares just gave up on fixing that society and everyone is just fending for themselves.

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    Microsoft to Force Web Links Shared in Teams to Open with Microsoft Edge
  • With every update Edge gets more and more useless features to sell their own services. Edge is an advertising platform for MS more than anything else.

    Firefox on the other hand.. I just install and be done with it.

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    Beim Browser-Refresh fremder Username angezeigt?
  • Sowas ist (fast) immer ein Caching-Problem, also der Server versucht Inhalte die schonmal vorher angefordert wurden, erneut ohne neues generieren auszuliefern, aus Performance -Gründen.

    Also ich würd's nicht sofort als schweres Sicherheitsloch in Lemmy sehen, sondern als schlecht konfigurierte Instanz. Du hättest keine Aktion als der angezeigte User durchführen können. Aber es kann natürlich passieren, dass man vertrauliche Daten, z.B. die Email-Addresse sieht.

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    What's a good alternative to Gmail?
  • I agree, I'm a happy customer for several years as well. It's not the cheapest service, but it's no-nonsense and reliable.

    I pointed my own domain to Fastmail and can use wildcard email addresses (like that all end in my inbox. Also my contacts are synced on the phone with Fastmail using CardDAV support, using the DAVX5 app on Android. It's really nice to have this much flexibility.

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    Windows Activation
  • It's pretty ironic that this is hosted on a Microsoft owned service. I hope they have a mirror available somewhere

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    Reddit Tries to Get Users to Pay by Making App Icon Ugly
  • Assuming people know how to do that, this is preying on those who don't.

    It reminds me of all the nagging and lying that MS does, telling people who download other browsers that Edge is better for example. Almost everyone here with a bit of technical knowledge knows that is ridiculous. Now Edge already has 5% market share, more than Firefox though.

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    Blocked Instances:
  • Eins verstehe ich nicht so ganz, was will man mit blockieren jetzt eigentlich erreichen? Den Erfolg von Threads so weit wie möglich verhindern? Ich glaube das ist sinnlos und ändert gar nichts.

    Auf der anderen Seite, jene die Mastodon oder Lemmy aktuell nutzen, und vielleicht auch mit Threads interagieren wollen, sind jetzt gezwungen die Threads-App herunterzuladen - oder täusche ich mich da? Wenn dem so ist hat das meiner Meinung nach genau den gegenteiligen Effekt als gewünscht.

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    Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year!
  • If Reddit wasn't going downhill I wouldn't mind paying to not see ads - if it helps keep the site running. But 6$/mo is very excessive for what is essentially a forum + link aggregator.

    Disney+ for comparison isn't much more expensive and I feel that I get a lot more value out of that, not to mention streaming isn't cheap.

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    Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year!
  • I'm just shocked at how bad that offer is, 6 dollars a month just for ad free browsing? Damn. All the other "benefits" seem completely worthless to me.

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    Was haltet ihr von HackerNews?
  • Ich find's gut um neue Technologien und Trends zu entdecken, auf die Kommentare kann ich allerdings größtenteils verzichten. Irgendwie sieht sich da halt jeder als Experte.
