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Youtube or Spotify?
  • Deezer. They're actually starting to fix stuff.

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    How do we get "normies" to adopt the Fediverse?
  • Thank you for thinking forward. That's much appreciated.

    I'm surprised to find there isn't much of a delay to loading the data from Oz. I'm sure I remember it being horrific not so long ago.

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    How do we get "normies" to adopt the Fediverse?
  • I don't know, I'm not familiar with kbin at all. Good to know I'm not alone in that thinking, though.

    It would have helped me. My instance isn't in the same hemisphere as me!

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    Which consumer grade printer should I buy?
  • This. Make sure it's a laser, and I from what I hear, never an HP (and I say that as an HP diehard).

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    Who Stops a "Bad Guy With a Gun"?
  • The most 'Mercan thing on the internet today.

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    Do you use Fedora Flatpaks?
  • I did start trying to prefer the Fedora flatpaks but the flatpak priority system doesn't seem to work. I have flathub 50 and Fedora 100 but it still chose flathub for the same version.

    Flathub's packages are usually more up-to-date. Sometimes ridiculously different.

    Then LibreOffice said that they're releasing on flathub/fedora not packaging so eventually I saw which way things are going and went with the flow.

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • Came to Obsidian from Logseq without prior knowledge. Logseq was my first note-taking of any use. I had Keep but I didn't really use it, cos my data is in Google's clutches. I'm trying to degoogle.

    Logseq doesn't feel together like Obsidian does. I'm in my first month of use and I had to spend ages trying to understand how to take notes properly before I could even feel confidence about using it.

    Templates are a revelation. Dataview supreme. Front-matter a delight. If they exist in logseq they're hidden. The learning curve for Obsidian is brutal.

    I have around a thousand pages of mixed tags and links because it's not discouraged in Logseq and I have to undo that huge mess. The discord forums are not a good place to Google for help and there's nothing like or innumerable posts helping. There are lots of logseq YouTube fans and that's where I ended up looking, but I prefer the written word.

    Logseq was my learning phase but Obsidian is where I'll stay. I think Logseq needs the level of financial input that Obsidian gets. I'll have to live with the fact that it is not open source.

    I had disabled the non-open source packages in Fedora software so i didn't see Obsidian and only saw Logseq. It was a good experience and given my time again I would probably do Logseq then Obsidian, again. I wish I had seen the articles on how to take notes on Obsidian.rockd before I started Logseq.

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    Is there any proprietary Android app for which you wish there would be an open-source alternative?
  • This. Loved it but stopped using it when it was bought by Microsoft (it was swiftkey that Microsoft bought, right - I'm getting old and it's late here)

    Ironically I'm using gboard now, kinda given up looking for keyboard a while back.

    I have to fuck about on F-Droid again for a bit I think.

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    How do we get "normies" to adopt the Fediverse?
  • Make it look like a centralised system initially. Provide a portal to a pre vetted/chosen instance that is accepting new members in their locale/country, that is the same for everyone.

    Update: This (above) is badly written. I'm trying to say every potential new member gets presented with the same (pretend centralised) portal that is in fact an (valid long-lived) instance local to the individual potential for them to sign up with. So two local users in Oz get given a proxy to the instance local to them, and a user in Blighty an instance local to that person. The decentralised Lemmy looks centralised, but isn't. The proxy front end should explain that they're joining their local instance and it's like a network of little affiliated clubs that can see each others posts globally. they log in for the first time it will become clear.

    It's late, I'm tired, sorry everyone. Is that any better?

    I think it's confusing (the reverse of what they're used to) for a newbie who have been bought up in a centralised internet with single front ends of all the big players to be presented with little instances to join to access the whole.

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    Eels - Novocaine For The Soul
  • Thank-you for this. Another song I'm like but didn't have in my library! How did that happen?

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    How to rip copy-protected DVDs on Linux in 2024
  • What happened to libdvdcss? Is that not a thing anymore?

    From what I remember - it's been a minute - there were many encryption keys that the publishing houses used to encrypt the DVDs released to the wild and they were packaged up in this codec, when they were found.

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    Forget star signs, what key do you press to wake up your computer from sleep?
  • I don't. I move the mouse.

    I was very very very drunk.

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    Lemmings of Lemmy who came over from Reddit what do you miss about Reddit and what do you not miss?
  • The helpful users that made Reddit the go-to for support. They haven't come over yet.

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    What file format do you store your media in?
  • Isn't mkv a wrapper around av1?

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    Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?
  • Look up the word 'autopsy'.

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    Firefox added ad tracking and has already turned it on without asking you
  • What's the deal with Firefox mobile (Android)? Couldn't see the setting.

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    Why is the US not considered a third world country?
  • The free world does.

  • Picking a random post from the list of posts in Voyager and then using the share facility to share it to Firefox makes Voyager look like Firefox with the address bar and so on.

    However, when I want to go back to using Voyager flicking back - partial right swipe on my Pixel 7 Pro w/Niagara launcher - doesn't do anything useful and I'm still in a version/instance of Firefox with the Voyager icon.

    Can someone double check that this does/not happen to them to an up-to-date Android phone before I report it, please?

    Thank-you in advance

    UPDATE: looks like it is my end from your comments, thank-you people. I'm going back from whence I came, shame faced. 😳

    I'm glad. Voyager is my Lemmy of choice!

    Maybe it's Niagara. There's a couple of stability fixes coming through. So here's hoping! Meanwhile I have a reeducation class to attend! 🤣


    Hello all,

    What do I actually do when I finally have a running instance (of containerised HA on a Raspberry Pi)? Delete all the toys from Alexa and Smart Life and start again in Home Assistant?

    Is deleting everything the intelligent way to go rather than trying to transition?

    My Google-foo is failing I did try to find an answer in Lemmy/Reddit/HA. Apologies if I miss an obvious place.

    Thank-you in advance.


    My early teen cousin is learning to play keyboard/piano. She likes to compose her own songs, and she's good at that, but perhaps could use some help with the basis rhythm.

    I thought that a book of rhythms might help. Something like this, but it's going to be the wrong era for her on the surface, although the rhythms repeat through the ages. Encyclopedia of Piano Rhythm Patterns: Popular Piano Rhythms and How to Play Them

    Please point me in the right direction. Thank-you in advance


    Hi all

    Is there an Android client that allows me to avoid Reddit posts which are currently crossposted and overwhelming my Lemmy timeline?

    Something like Domain exclude as on the Relay for Reddit client.

    Thank-you in advance
