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[All Games Thread] 26 OCT 2023
  • Giannis gets the softest whistle in the league and it's not close.

    I legitimately questioned whether I wanted to watch NBA officiating for an entire season again. Shits so bad and it's not like the Sixers will be accomplishing anything.

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    [Marks] Here’s the CBA language for Withholding Services:
  • The Simmons situation I think can only be described as bad luck. First overall pick, mental midget, all time choke play followed by an all time temper tantrum. Rivers didn't help but Ben was and has been such a weird dude since then.

    This one is a little less bad luck but I also think Harden is being a little silly. I imagine Morey reneged on their handshake deal, so he's technically a liar but James was also all over the place in the playoffs and last season in general. I don't think he's being realistic if he thinks he's worth a max now.

    I certainly won't say Morey made him but he did take a chance on him and helped him make a ton of money. That's the other thing. James has more money than he could spend. We're talking about a paycut. Morey is still willing to pay him millions and millions of dollars but Harden is again throwing a temper tantrum.

    This is a situation that has probably happened to every team in the league at some point but Harden's the only one calling his boss a liar and causing a circus.

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    stop driving
  • Literally no one is going to quadruple their commute as a good deed. Right or wrong.

    People are struggling for free time from capitalistic slavery as it is.

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    Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
  • If you've got a computer or a phone, you're almost certainly being tracked. Picking and choosing which entity is tracking you seems masturbatory.

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    Need suggestion novel(s)/series on medieval setting with good world-building. Prefer peaceful story with less warfares/politics.
  • I started it but stopped after seeing it was Hoid. I havent read Mistborn yet and Wit was by far my favorite character in Way of Kings. I was


    a bit bummed to find out he was across all the books in the way i did. I dont even know his whole deal yet but i imagine his reveal in the Way of Kings was a big deal and wish i found out that way.

    I have The Final Empire now and plan on reading it after i finish book 2 of The Witcher.

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    Need suggestion novel(s)/series on medieval setting with good world-building. Prefer peaceful story with less warfares/politics.
  • Fool by Christopher Moore

    This may not be exactly what you're looking for but it's lighthearted and medieval. I picked it up because i was told it was as if The King's Wit from The Way of Kings wrote a book, if you've read that.

    It does have politics but they couldnt be described as serious at all. It's funny and lewd and a bit immature but i really enjoyed it.
