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I really don't understand why companies can't post their pricing on their website ?
  • Yeah, I think there is a fair argument that going with the cheapest option will lead to a worse outcome for you, but I do think there is a little bit of game theory involved here.

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    Amazon claims it isn’t a “Very Large Online Platform” to evade EU rules
  • Read the article folks. Amazon is claiming they don't meet the definition in Europe, where there are other online retailers with more sales in those countries that are not flagged as 'Very Large Online Platforms'. Amazon is simply claiming that them getting that designation and other online retailers of the same or larger sizes are not is unfair and Amazon shouldn't receive that tag in those countries.

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    I really don't understand why companies can't post their pricing on their website ?
  • If everyone does it, you’re likely to stop at the first place that gives you a price deemed reasonable instead of doing the extra annoying work of shopping around. Stops people from just picking the cheapest option.
