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A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • lmao his family "suffered" because his father was a fraudster that tried to get rich on scamming the US government during the war. The stories about his blue-collar roots are as real as Kim Jong Un inventing pizza.

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    liberals liberals liberals
  • The fact that they've been running with one angle for some decades before it got exposed doesn't mean they couldn't have changed it. They're not that stupid.

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    liberals liberals liberals
  • Why am I not surprised in the slightest.

    And yes. All those propaganda efforts find very ripe ground with the imperial middle class. My favorite is how easily people fell for the idea of "supplier framework of greenhouse emissions" that makes it seem that it's all some ten guys collectively emitting all the world's carbon dioxide - simply because it exonerated all of the middle class' senseless consumption. It doesn't make sense under even the slightest scrutiny - but they simply don't care. It makes them feel good about themselves so they swallow the propaganda; hook, line, sinker, pole.

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    liberals liberals liberals
  • I can assure you that after years of active engagement in politics in various forms I can differentiate between arguing and what is just using the privilege of entrenchment in the system to dismiss any opposing view as illegitimate.

    Those people almost never engage with presented points. They prefer to construct their own strawman because then they can attack it with the well-hammered propaganda slogans. And if all else fails, there's invariably someone to accuse anyone who is to the left of them as being either a trumpist or russian troll for a thunderous applause.

  • I wasted way too much time arguing with liberals on the internet and I just need to vent my frustrations. They turned inaction into a virtue: they call it "pragmatism". Vote for Biden, don't question the genocide. They reject the "idealism" of action, critique or even the simple act of imagining the alternative. They consider themselves to be the adults in the room while they are nothing more than reactionaries themselves enabling the worst perversions of this capitalist-realist system.

    It's so frustrating to see this, to see their smug self-sanctification when they just follow the line of the least resistance, when all the effort they put is into retaining their own comfort. They talk about "saving democracy" while attempting to squash any dissent, while being hostile to any alternative that is not a liberal democracy.

    They react violently to anything that could imaginably threaten the system exactly because they are comfortable in it. They know that they sit atop the piles of corpses of those murdered for their baubles, the oil for their cars and gas for heating their suburban homes. And they find it unimaginable to ever sacrifice even the smallest of those comforts.

    They wear slogans of human rights on their chests but whenever it's the time to walk the walk, they melt into the thin air, always finding an excuse why it's not the right time. Why Biden can actually violate the Geneva Convention, why all they can do in a face of the genocide is to shrug.

    As it goes in Disco Elysium:

    "KINGDOM OF CONSCIENCE – Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth."

    xkcd #2899: Goodhart's Law
  • But how else can the corporate bureaucracy hold its grip on people otherwise? The metrics are as necessary as catehism for catholicism.

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    The problem with not voting
  • Yeah, in the last primaries he was the least inspired, least charismatic candidate. He had effectively no platform beyond keeping the status quo. He wasn't the worst candidate only because the DNC, against its own rules, gave platform to an actual Republican billionaire.

    It's wild for me that people defend him before he even is a candidate.

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    It’s No Surprise That “Skills-Based” Hiring Has Not Worked
  • Most of HR processes are pure ideological bullshit. "Personality tests" that are nothing else but "we search for obedient drones and here is our tarot to help" and "intelligence tests" that are based on some racial science bullshit made to prove the inferiority of Jews that might be useful only if you work in a factory of math patterns.

    They are not there to ensure efficient production, after all they don't know shit about the product or internal processes of the teams. They're a caste of priests whose role is ensuring compliance with the feudal-corporate system.

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    The problem with not voting
  • Well, good news, US legislature managed to dismantle itself with all the "checks and balances" and liberum veto filibuster. Now it's just a circus to play for the gullible to legitimize this oligarchic empire. It is no representation, one way or another and somebody should openly state it. The best the progressive caucus could do now is to walk out.

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    The problem with not voting
  • Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous how easily people just accepted that primaries are just a joke, that the DNC can hold them when they want to and just decide on their own when they don't. Telling people to vote for Biden now, when he is not yet by any stretch an official candidate, is to forfeit a democratic right. They openly say they're ready to rubber-stamp a decision of party oligarchs.

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    if trains honk at every crossing (in the US), shouldn't cars be honking at every crosswalk?
  • Not long ago in Poland a pedestrian would have the right of way only after they were already on the crossing. So if you would get killed on a crosswalk that would be classified as intrusion and the driver would go scot-free

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    1 killed, 4 wounded in shooting in Copenhagen's Christiania neighborhood, police in Denmark say
  • There isn't much I hate more than Christiania. Started as a project of privileged kids looking for a place to smoke weed and occupying a land that was meant for redevelopment and actual communal housing. Cool, cool. It quite quickly became a class society, with peddlers (those who sell drugs) ostentatiously flaunting their wealth, with the other side of the "commune" developing into a typical bourgeoisie, nuclear-family powered suburb, all with a horse rink included.

    In this revolutionary commune that is not bound by the laws of European Union, as they claim, you can buy Nestle products and pay for them with a card.

    It is, ultimately, a weed dispensary with state monopoly, holding together with the police violence against mostly minorities that sell weed outside its walls indispensable for its well-being.

    But then, I wouldn't say it's a problem of the anarchist movement. Anarchists are generally aware of those contradictions and the anarchist praxis is that of building an alternative to the society within the society. Christiana was a hippie project. Hippies, in my opinion, destroyed the left wing movement. They decided that they can use their privilege (because, of course, it was mostly white, middle class kids) to fuck off from the society. They withdrew from the class struggle at large. Instead of working in the unions, instead of organizing with Rainbow Coalition, they just fucked off the their "horizontally governed communes" to smoke weed and have sex.

    Fuck hippies. And fuck Christiania.

    Also, fun fact, last year they legally bought the land from the city, using a loan from the city.

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    Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city
  • US cities could be easily compressed to be third their size with people having access to green areas, walkable neighborhoods and basic convenience by the door but having 5 square meters of grass in front of their porch and F-350 parked outside is just too important for them.
