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Good email provider
  • I use a combination on ProtonMail and Mailgun. I only have a few automated messages going out with mailgun a month so it's essentially free. I also started using mattermost as a notification channel for different things as well. It has the same API as slack, so you can hook it up to pretty much anything you can hook slack up to.

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    Techstack to host a small webapp on a raspberry pi at home?
  • Django is a good py web framework. Sqlite should suffice for such a small app. Once you get a bunch of users and writing action, a rdbms like postgress might be required.

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    Any recommendations for a self hosted checklist
  • I think some of the kanban style tools out there allow for daily tasks, like asana or trello, wekan. Not sure if those ones specifically do, but it's a starting point.

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    Bare metal vs Virtualization
  • I'd say it depends. I run BSD's in my setup, with a freebsd "development" server running a bunch of jails for projects. I find that easier to maintain than a vm host lately. I just have one more vm to port over to a jail, then I'm retiring my 12 year old server, and looking for a new one.

    I have another freebsd box running as a file server for the house, where I drop all our media and a copy of important backups.

    I kind of use bsd jails like containers. Once I get one working, I can package it and send it to a server, jnpackage it, and run it with minimal effort/reconfiguration.
