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Removal of piracy communities
  • That's what I have done too. New account, new donation - elsewhere. Just deleting all my old posts and comments here now, aside from the ones pertaining to this topic.

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    Removal of piracy communities
  • Based on the way they handled this, and their replies here, you won't be seeing it ever. This is TOP DOWN community at it's finest.

    Maybe we should all just blame the time zone difference and stick our heads in the sand. It seems to work for those in charge.

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    Removal of piracy communities
  • You’re the same troll that started all this last time. Concern trolling is shameful behavior.

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    Removal of piracy communities
  • You're the same troll from last time.

    At least this time, you provided a handy sign-up list that can be shared far and wide. Kudos to you for linking to and sharing piracy resources with the general public. I sure hope you don't get banned for breaking the new rules.

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    Removal of piracy communities
  • The decisions you make are one thing. The way you keep handling them so incredibly poorly is quite another.

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    Piracy related communities removal
  • That was indeed it. Thanks for the heads up!

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    Piracy related communities removal
  • This thread does not even appear in the Lemmy World Support community for me. What is going on here?

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    Failing to run Mint on boot ("Not Found")
  • I don't know about any guide I can point to, but you can start over on the USB stick by recreating the partition table (msdos) and partition (fat32). I recommend using gparted for things like that if you are unfamiliar with the process. This ensures the USB is correctly setup to boot from.

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    Failing to run Mint on boot ("Not Found")
  • What I would do:

    Wipe USB stick.

    Recreate Partition table and partition on USB.

    Check Mint image integrity.

    Rewrite USB with image.

    Try booting from it again.

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    [OC] A macro shot of a lantana flower
  • Beautiful flowers, but horribly invasive in the right climate!

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    KWallet and startx on Tumbleweed
  • A problem as old as the hills. I solved that problem many years ago by moving away from KDE, lol. Sorry I have no applicable advice.

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    Triabetes posting
  • Permanently Deleted

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    Wisconsin ‘fake elector’ Andrew Hitt says he was tricked into signing document claiming Trump won in 2020
  • If you graduate from law school in Wisconsin you don't have to take the state bar exam at all.

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    [QUESTION] - what would you make with six pomegranates?
  • I like to make grenadine. You can also peel and freeze edible parts for later use.

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    Reporting a community for TOS violations
  • Thank you for the info! I appreciate it.

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    PC constantly crashes, won't even boot.
  • If memtest is showing errors, something is wrong with the RAM. Either the voltage or timing are incorrectly set in BIOS, or maybe overclocked, or one of the sticks isn't seated properly, or defective. Try memtest with one RAM stick at a time with recommended voltage/timing to rule out a defective stick.

  • Pepperoni Hug Spot - AI Made TV Commercial
