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Technically it's always the first in China until they get removed from the movie
  • Gay liberal trying to pull up the ladder, no trans person gives a fuck about marriage when they are getting murdered. Look up trans murders per year in the United States and China, I'll wait, as I know that Russia has less trans murders than the United States

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    Oh dear...
  • "An internal CIA study acknowledged various achievements of the North Korean government post-war: compassionate care for war orphans and children in general, a radical improvement in the status of women, free housing, free healthcare, and health statistics particularly in life expectancy and infant mortality that were comparable to even the most advanced nations"

    Bruh even the CIA admits that the DPRK healthcare is better than the U.S

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  • LOL this user has to be an rdrama nerd

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    Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that...
  • Stalin for example was a mass murderer just like Hitler. So why would anybody like him?

    Here is a mainstream Jewish holocaust survivor saying equating the communists and fascists is holocaust trivialization.

    You have compared communists and fascists, thus trivializing the Holocaust.

    Are you referring to famines caused by the Kulaks destroying grain exacerbating a natural famine cycle, something that was somewhat common before the modern era. If you are, would you also say that every death caused by starvation due to poverty in capitalist countries should count towards the leader's "death count"?

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    Separation of Powers: a primer for our "friends" from hexbear.
  • why can't mainland Puerto-Rican people vote for the legislative or executive branch?

    why should the judicial branch exist?

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    Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.
  • who opened the cages? Obama

    who was president during Roe-Wade restriction? Biden

    troll = someone who is left of me and correctly realizes the futility of electoralism.

    Go cry to the others in your liberal echochamber

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    Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.
  • where are my stimulus checks?? the democratic party owes me money

    where is my healthcare?

    where is my loan cancelation?

    why are billions being sent to ukraine?

    why are the kids still in cages on the southern border?

    why did you say covid is over?

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    My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked.
  • Did you name yourself after the RAND institute?

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    Hi, I'm your 10yo self. Is there something you wanna tell me/warn me about?
  • it's not true this is what the current active and local feed looks like

    I use it because it was the only active lemmy instance when I started using lemmy three years ago, also I've had some amazing conversations and seen some things like the community raising thousands of dollars for those in need. Not to mention weekly community events

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    Hi, I'm your 10yo self. Is there something you wanna tell me/warn me about?
  • tell the child psychiatrist that you are trans.

    don't go to san antonio you will get into a knife fight and the cops will be called

    don't start doing sex work the money isn't worth it
