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Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • Genuinely wish more people understood this. I've mostly only been playing indie games for the past few years. By far the best fun i've had in gaming. A ton of unbelievably creative, unique games out there. Not to mention that 99% of them are a single-purchase experience, instead of a cash treadmill

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    AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • I have a lot of empathy for a lot of people. Even ones, who really don't deserve it. But when it comes to people like these, I have absolutely none. If you make a chatbot do your corporate security, it deserves to burn to the ground

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    Terence Tao: GPT-O1 nearing "competent grad student" usefulness
  • I genuinely hate this statement. A competent grad student can solve problems. GPT cannot solve anything, as all it does is put together the shit it stole from somewhere before

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    Grasshopper CEO Suda51 says people ‘care too much’ about Metacritic scores
  • In 99% of the situations, i couldn't care less what the metacritic score is. Reviewers can be paid, publications can be biased and/or tired, and in general, a lot of the scores don't actually represent how real players feel.

    This is especially obvious, when reviewing longer games, or specifically MMOs. You cannot rank that after playing for 10 hours.

    My first stop for reviews is always my friends. Based on their general recommendations, i frequently find incredibly fun games, that are otherwise unimpressive at first glance

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    Apple told to pay back €13bn in tax by EU
  • I have no issue paying taxes, if they directly contribute to my environment being improved.

    However, it is beyond infuriating, to have to pay taxes on already painstakingly obtained money, on both incoming and outgoing transactions, while companies like Apple sit on more money, than all of us combined will ever see, in a dozen generations of our families

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    Best Email Client
  • I’ve tried basically everything under the sun, and keep returning to Thunderbird. Thankfully they’ve fixed the endless amount of performance issues with it.

    Everything else is either in a horrible state, abandoned, or paid spyware that used to be a free project originally

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    Biome v1.9 Anniversary Release
  • Biome has been really nice so far. I’ve made the switch about a year ago, and outside of tooling issues, that are pretty much long gone, there’s nothing to complain about.

    Was waiting for CSS support for a while too. Unfortunately i mostly use tailwind these days, so it would be nice to have some support for ordering the tags there

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    Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • This really isn’t a good comparison at all. One gives you a list of choices you can make, and the other gives you a blind answer.

    If seeing what argument types the function takes make me a worse engineer, so be it, I guess

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    Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • Anything that allows people to blindly and effortlessly get results inherently makes them more stupid. Your brain is like any muscle. You need to repeatedly use it for it to work well

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    Crew 2 is on sale for a dollar on Steam, Epic, Xbox, & PlayStation until 23rd of September
  • The point is that they’re not getting anything from me. I’d would much rather spend that extra dollar on a really good indie game.

    On the topic of which, i’ve finished Tunic today, and it’s been absolutely excellent. Strongly recommended

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    Anyone has been using Wayland with zero issues?
  • I have zero issues whatsoever, even on Nvidia. Even before the 560-series driver, my issues were slim to none. I've been exclusively on Wayland since Plasma 5.22, and even before that with GNOME, just because it's astronomically more smooth visually

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    New Details about the Future of Destiny
  • I love that they're looking into all of this actively, however we still gotta get to that point. Summer 2025 is a long time away.

    We still have two story acts until then, and that is already a problem in itself. Unless Revenant and Heresy are considerably beefed up, in comparison to the Echoes episode, finding things to do in this game will be a substantial challenge. It already is
