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What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • To kind of answer one of my own questions after rereading all the comments here, defederation seems to be per-instance, not from everywhere.

    So picking a smaller, well run, non-controversial instance for you account can be an advantage, as you should be connected to everywhere.

    The risk seems to be that smaller instances have a higher risk of shutting down unexpectedly and/or not being as well maintained (updates, security etc).

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    What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • But I still see some posts at eg from And comments and votes. But maybe 20% of what I see if I’m looking from my beehaw account.

    Could these be crossposts and comments from non-beehaw users? Ie stuff that hasn’t originated at beehaw?

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    What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • I appreciate the explanation, and I understand exactly what you’re saying. My confusion though is that it doesn’t match what I’m seeing. I’m using the Voyager web app if that makes a difference.

    An example: I can see posts and comments at from So I don’t see a wasteland. I just see a smaller number of and different posts, compared to looking at the same sub from It’s the same place, looking at the sidebar. Just that different content appears to be available depending on the home location gaming viewed from.

    Could it be that what I’m seeing from are just the crossposts (if such a thing exists here)? And perhaps comments from users? That’s why it’s not total empty, just reduced?

    Also: when an instance defederates, is that from everywhere or just selected instances? For example, what you’re saying is that beehaw is blocking but not other smaller instances. And so I should sign up at a smaller non-blocked instance which will then see everything …?

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    What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • Appreciate the explanation. Let me see if I understand. Beehaw defederated, which means you can stay in the beehaw bubble and never have to connect with/put up with the outside lemmy-verse.

    Whereas from, all content is viewable, including beehaw …?

    If that’s the case I might stick with my account as I can see more of the fediverse from there.

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    What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • Doesn’t defederated mean cut off? Because I certainly get beehaw content at Just when sorting by “hot” seems different. Then averaged over a bunch of subs, my home feed is quite different.

    Anyway 🤷‍♂️

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    What does your 'home' instance really matter?
  • I recently signed up and didn’t know where to park myself. So I got accounts on both and

    From I’ve added to a few of the beehaw subs that I’m subscribed to there. But I can tell you I see different content in my feed.

    Don’t know why. A delay in the content making it over from beehaw to lemmy? But my home feed certainly looks different in both (even subscribing as closely is I can to the same feeds).

    So for now I’ll stick with both and see how the dust settles.

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    The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 20-07-2023
  • How different is it from 3? There were a lot of complaints when it first came out. But I was wondering how much of that was just people being a bit overzealous.

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    How is reddit traffic doing?
  • I too would like to contribute to Reddit’s bot overthrow by selling my 12 yr old account to the highest bidder. PM me your $$s.

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    Voyager might become a native App in the future! (sort of)
  • Ug that sucks.

    For the data point, I don’t have that issue. Not sure what the difference is. I’m using an iPhone 12 mini and iOS updated to the latest. Voyager works really well for me. Remarkably well.

    Clearly it’s a problem many are having based on the upvotes. Hope it can be fixed.

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    ‘More than just a supermarket’: Why Woolworths is building apartments
  • My main line is with amaysim, but I’m considering jumping to boost mobile. Have you looked at them? I felt they were better than both amaysim and Woolies, for how I use my phone.

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    ‘More than just a supermarket’: Why Woolworths is building apartments
  • Yep. Also a mobile customer but my 6 month plan is up in a few months and I’ll be closing that line (was a second esim line anyway).

    If I’m being forced to go in-store might as well save a lot more money and use Aldi.

  • I keep getting a connection error. Even though I can log in directly via the browser.

    I understood beehaw to sit on the kbin side of the fence (edit: nope it doesn’t), where Voyager is a Lemmy app. Is that the problem? If so, why offer the option?

    So I’m a bit confused. Has anyone managed to add their account to Voyager?
