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Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies
  • We don't have to worry about the government tracking us everywhere we go. These corporations will do it for them and then sell the data for a proft.

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    Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term
  • Did you miss Biden literally laying out his pro working class domestic agenda? He gave a call to action for voters that improvements for labor. Given, he totally flubbed talking about the Georgia murder and Israel/Palestine, but if you think both parties are the same in domestic policy, then you're the one not paying attention.

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    Charles Littlejohn: Man who stole and leaked Trump tax records sentenced to 5 years in prison
  • I mean, in the eyes of the judge and the lawyers, the crime was premeditated, covered up, and the defendant is remorseless. Pretty clear grounds to give the maximum penalty allowed by law.

    I believe the tax records for large corporations and the upper class should fax higher scrutiny without having to be publicly leaked.

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    Charles Littlejohn: Man who stole and leaked Trump tax records sentenced to 5 years in prison
  • I mean, in the eyes of the judge and the lawyers, the crime was premeditated, covered up, and the defendant is remorseless. Pretty clear grounds to give the maximum penalty.

    I believe the tax records for large corporations and the upper class should fax higher scrutiny without having to be publicly leaked.

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    Has anyone here used CBD products for anxiety? Do they actually work or is it just a placebo?
  • Like any medication/supplement, your personal experience will vary. That's a big part of why the reviews are mixed online.

    I'd suggest trying one product and switching to another if you're not feeling any changes within a couple of weeks. If the second product doesn't work, then CBD may not work for you.

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    Macron opposes gender-inclusive spelling as he inaugurates language museum
  • Without knowing much, I feel like it runs into the same problem as Latinx. It is unintuitive to speak the words how they are written. The specific example seems relatively easy to actually speak, but I'm sure other words run into the same problems.

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    One D&D Playtest, Unearthed Arcana: Players Handbook Playtest #7
  • I thought you just counted as a willing creature for INT, CHA, and WIS saves if you decided to fail the saving throw. I feel like the only Attribute it intuitively doesn't make sense for is CON like in the house rule you described.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • When the majority of your population also lives in the same metro area as your seat of government, it really helps.
