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Baby log app, feed, etc buttons
  • Ohh I know, thank you. But I don’t want to pass more then 3 hours without feed.

    Doc says he should have ate maximum 3 hires between feeding time.

    The app is really for log and track. Actually he is eating in intervals between 1.5 and 2 hours.

    But thank for the advice. It’s the first one for me :)

  • Baby log app, feed, etc buttons

    Hi all, I have a new born child, and I’m using basic cobre down timer to make 3 hours max for eating.

    Do you know any app, like for browser simples and basic with like 4 buttons “feed time” “clean” “etc” to generate a log or syslog for history and behaviour?

    And I can check a log like 9:00 wake up and eat 9;45 finish eat


    I don’t want to use App from playstore.

    Thank you for the suggestions.


    Hi guys,

    I have bought a this case and this ssd disk from Amazon.

    I have assemble everything, format as APFS (Mac user) and just do speed test, and the results are worst then a mechanical disk.

    The case are directly connect to a USB C port with a cable length of 20 cm, that came with the case.

    % dd if=/dev/zero of=test1Gb.bin bs=1G count=1 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 1073741824 bytes transferred in 33.060263 secs (32478321 bytes/sec)

    % dd if=/dev/zero of=test1Gb1.bin bs=12M count=85 85+0 records in 85+0 records out 1069547520 bytes transferred in 42.482943 secs (25175928 bytes/sec)

    I see on my PC the interface of USB C is a JMicron, its possible be a bad case?

    Thanks you.


    viewtube is awesome, how can I redirect all requests from to myviewtub.domain?

    Hi all,

    I'm using viewtube for 3 days, and I love it.

    My next step is migrate all request to that service, I test the video/playlist url os the same, and I use pi-hole as my local dns server.

    Is possible to rewrite the domain on pi-hole? like any request to to ?

    I was reading pi-hole docs and I can't find anything useful for this feature.

    Thank you.

    DMCA and redundancy
  • That’s what VPNs do, and people need to use in some country’s.

    I’m not sure, but you are the owner of both VPS, anyway is related to you.

  • Jump
    Self hosted photos with auto pet naming?
  • You should try Immich here You can also install via docker on you Synology. Give a nice work on tag people, I don’t know about tag dog names.

  • Actual budget app and selfhosted server

    Hi, I’m give a try on Actual Budget app.

    I have deploy a server, start 1st settings and all ok.

    Then o download app on IOS, where I put url of my server?

    I look everyone and I guess I can only have field for email and use their service, not selfhosted.

