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How can we return to techno-optimism?
  • Yes! The whole "lawyers are evil money grabbers" is a corporate psy-op. They want you to think it's unreasonable for a person to sue a corporation when the corporation's actions are harmful. They also want you to think defense attorneys are people who just look for technicalities to free guilty people.

    They created armies of lawyers for themselves, while making americans distrustful of the ones fighting for normal people. We used to think of lawyers like Atticus Finch or Perry Mason. But now we just think of Saul Goodman and Lionel Hutz.

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    Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • Do you think they're lying to authorities when they get a search warrant? That would be quite a big deal, and someone will be going to jail if you're right.

    All they have is your phone number, the date the account was created, and the last time it connected to the service. Yes, that represents a vulnerability, but you;re just casting aspersions that the whole thing is compromised.

    Maybe there is some super secret NSA back door that Signal engineers aren't even aware of. But it's at least pretty clear that the local fascist authorities aren't getting that info even with a warrant.

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    jermacore omgee (rule)
  • THATS MY ORDER! Actually slightly different. I go medium iced regula and a strawberry sprinkle (which is what's pictured)

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  • Not just to make noise, it's mainly to wake people tf up at lights, or like the other poster said, to let them know theyre drifting outta the lane. And yes, some vengeance honks as well.

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  • Lol. I'm really not an aggressive driver, but honk like a motherfucker. It keeps traffic moving at Rush hour. East Coast cities be like 🤗📣

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    Drivers Hate The Tech In Their Cars
  • I have a Toyota from around then, and yeah it's the best. The great thing about that era is the milage is decent, and also I think it's when abs and traction control became standard on all cars. So I have a manual transmission and aux cord, but it's not ancient, it's still very safe and efficient

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    Keystone Species Rule
  • Bad analogy because invasive plants all come from an ecosystem where they're not problematic. Like, kudzu is fine in its native habitat.

    Nazis are more like toxic waste - not good anywhere, except buried deep below the surface of the earth, along with signage about how this is not a place of honor

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    Beginners Guides
  • IDK if thats true in 2024. Debian 12 isn't much harder to setup than mint or Ubuntu, and the version of gnome it ships with is perfectly fine. I'm not a beginner anymore, so maybe there's something I glossed over.

    Oh wait, I just remembered the thing I glossed over. Needing to install sudo would definitely throw a beginner for a loop. (Iirc, you only need to do that if you give a root password during install). And that's the problem with trying to learn Linux. Someone will tell you the thing is easy, but they forgot about some arcane step

  • Im learning how to see right now. I've just someone some bags and pillows so far, but I really want to make clothing. I'll start simple, but I'd eventually like to make the things that (imo) are the hardest to get as a trans woman: panties, bras, and pants. Have any of you made these? Do you have any resources or communities you recommend?


    I did not have 'Pelosi takes on the gerontocracy' on my 2024 bingo card

    > One Pelosi ally said it was possible she would press Biden publicly to give up his spot atop the Democratic ticket.

    >“The speaker does not want to call on him to resign, but she will do everything in her power to make sure it happens,” this person said, referring to Biden quitting the race.

    [Edit] changed the title to Politico's after reading this community's sidebar

    52 Woman faces trial after allegedly being prescribed NHS abortion pills by post

    A woman is facing trial in the UK after allegedly being prescribed NHS abortion "pills by post" during lockdown.


    Mississippi Goddam

    "Thank God for Mississippi" is an adage used in the United States, particularly in the South, that is generally used when discussing rankings of U.S. states.\[1\] Examples include rankings of educational achievement, business opportunities,\[2\] obesity rates,\[3\] overall health,\[4\] the poverty rate,\[5\] life expectancy, or other criteria of the quality of life or government in the 50 U.S. states.\[6\]\[7\]\[8\]

    Since the U.S. state of Mississippi commonly ranks at or near the bottom of such rankings, residents of other states also ranking near the bottom may say, "Thank God for Mississippi", since the presence of that state in 50th place spares them of being ranked last.\[9\] The phrase is in use even among state government officials\[10\]\[11\] and journalists,\[12\]\[13\]\[14\]\[15\] though occasionally with a slight modification

    9 ‘Yemen at a crossroads’: Nearly 200 aid groups issue urgent funding appeal

    Only a fraction of funds needed to provide aid to millions in the war-torn country is secured, the groups say.


    I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn't the best. The "touch screen" is the old resistive type where you really need to press with your nail or a stylus. Despite all those flaws, it's fantastic. It's just good enough for reading books.

    I read with large text so I don't even need to put on glasses, and it's easier to read than an actual book. Combined with Anna's archive, I'm reading more than I ever have before. No Wi-Fi nd slow screen make the experience feel closer to an actual book than a smartphone. It's great to just have a device do one thing without distractions popping up every minute.

    It's all old technology, but it's so rare to see anyone with an e-reader. Probably because they're still expensive and designed to microtransact the fuck out of you.

    So do you think there could be a simple open source e reader? I see pine64 is making the "pinenote", but it's still just the developer version, it's expensive, doesn't have an sd card, and looks like it's trying to be a lot more than an reader. Maybe it'll come down in cost, or they'll release a simpler version? The biggest obstacle for making an e-reader seems to be the screen, so maybe the pinenote's screen could become something of a standard.

    Or maybe I'm overthinking it, because there's already so many old Kindles and nooks out there that could be improved with a new battery and maybe new firmware too.


    92 Photos: Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community

    The South Asian nation has, since 2013, officially allowed members of the hijra community to identify as a third gender.


    I need y'all to understand: Biden isnt losing votes from the far left. He never had those votes, and could never get them.

    He's losing the votes of Muslims and Arabs in Michigan and Philly. He's losing the votes of moderates who are watching Israel's final solution in horror. He's losing the votes of Latinos and Haitians who see the southern border is getting more militarized and more violent every year

    [Edit] to be 100% clear: If you oppose Israel's war on Palestine, but plan on voting for Biden this November,this post isn't about you.
