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‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
  • I wish there was some kind of open source collective organization under which you could release anything with eternal open source license that'd be free forever. It could be anything from software, tech or medicine like penicillin so that megacorps could not benefit from it in any way.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Yet, you fail to realise that cats are natural predators. They will often hunt and eat their prey. What are you going to do about that? And there's a reason nobody follows a diet of multi vitamins and IV fluid. It's not healthy in the long term.

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    Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
  • Mars is not your backyard that by planting a patch of grass and watering it will turn the whole planet into a lush grassland. And speaking of abortion, how many orphans have you adopted so far?

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    What animated film or tv show is this?
  • I just watch content creators or reviewers whose taste matches with mine and check their recommendations first. Otherwise check 2 or 3 positive and negative reviews in imdb, rt, Google. You can roughly tell who are shills, trolls or giving valid criticisms.

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    Reddit if full of bots: thread reposted exactly the same, comment by comment, 10 months later
  • I think it's worth striving for some Star-Trek-esque version of humanity

    Every succeeding generation is wiser and more informed than the previous one. So, eventually, we will get there. Perhaps in centuries or millennia but humanity will get there... if we manage to not nuke ourselves.

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  • But the universe is also constantly expanding. So the frame of reference becomes obsolete because it's at an entirely different point in space now.

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    Like ships in the night
  • Lmao. You people think CCP will use your data to control you? No way your American government can do the same, right?
